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Unsure if hacked or something else.

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The other day my friend and I were on a server (I suddenly for the life of me cannot remember the number, but I believe it was a US server in the 300s) and we were around one of the barracks in the International Airport. I'm travelling through the woods to meet up with my friend when suddenly my main weapon and main inventory as well as my side inventory and sidearm are gone. My backpack and utility items are still intact but I suddenly have no weapon. The same thing happened to my friend at the exact moment and I also see a few "... were killed" messages from people dying. I pull out my hatchet to mainhand and make it to the barracks door when suddenly I lose my hatchet and my leg breaks. Same thing happens to my friend and he lost his Winchester. When this happens, I suddenly see a LOT of "... was killed" messages scrolling up as more than 15-20 people just started dying.

My friend logs out of the server while I crawl into the barracks in my sorry state and manage to find morphine to fix my leg problem. Before I log out I suddenly find myself with a .50 sniper rifle, loads of ammo for it, every piece of utility gear (night vision, range finder, GPS, etc), the 24 slot backpack loaded with random shit. I log out in confusion only to log in today and find most of my gear is randomized and I have nothing in my backpack, but I still have the backpack, the gun, and all the utility gear.

I only ask a simple question: what the fuck happened? Did the server I was on get hacked or did some kind of DayZ inventory system go bonkers and delete all my stuff only to randomly give me different stuff?

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hackers have the ability to delete everyone's inventory so i suppose they could give everyone gear.

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