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How well will I run this?

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I've got an Intel i7-2600 @3.4Ghz, 8 GB of RAM, and a Radeon 5450 (512 MB version). How well will I run it? I think that my hope of highish settings ( High texture, object, shadow detail; Medium AF and Terrain detail) is a bit much for my rig.

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You should be fine FPS wise. It all comes down to your graphics card though with the level of detail you want to run at. I've had to replace my GPU to get decent frames since Arma didn't like my older Radeon. Although, it should run fine for you.

Edited by Diederik

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That video card... is about as fast as the built in video of your i7-2600 (assuming your motherboard has the video outputs). Might want to try both and see which feels better to you.

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