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Jack Lz

Sorry but solo would be kinda cool too...

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i was just thinking, i have enough time to check 1 deer stand, it would be cool if there was a single player mode for the short of time, or inebriated (or both) just to hop in and play for awhile.

I am not talking about crossover enabled items, what u find in single player would remain only in single player.

anyways i know its not comin out in the next patch im just sayin'.


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I don't understand this game can be played for 5 minutes or for 6 hours.. You have the choice.

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wouldn't be fun in singleplayer imo since there wouldnt be any risk to go into a building or something .. would be same if you went on an empty server and grabbed all the good stuff

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It's not something that would be added to the Arma system, but more of something for a stand-alone. It would be nice, but the cross of the online and single-player database may be a little iffy.

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what i mean is, i play lone wolf alot.

i spend an extra 10-20 minutes scouting for other players.

sometimes ....just sometimes i wish there was the option to just run around without fear of reprisal.

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what i mean is, i play lone wolf alot.

i spend an extra 10-20 minutes scouting for other players.

sometimes ....just sometimes i wish there was the option to just run around without fear of reprisal.

Ok, but for what? IMO, that is part of the fun and the reason to even play this game. Otherwise it's virtual glorified easter egg hunting

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Would love to see a single player when DayZ becomes a standalone product.

the cross of the online and single-player database may be a little iffy.

Keep the single player and multiplayer database seperated? The character in single player should be different from the multiplayer one. Single player stores the character data in your computer while the multiplayer one on the server.

Edited by leeo38

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I dont know, the thing that has me hoked on this game is the fear of running into other survivors when sneaking around a populated town. Nothing gets my heart pumping more in the game than when I'm looting that grocery store in Cherno near the church, I'm by myself, and I see two or more other players start making their way to the grocery store too and I find a spot to hide. The zombies in this game to me and just obstacles to be dealt with, it's the other players that make this game golden.

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People just need to get the fuck off the coast. As soon as I find a hatchet, can of beans and a soda or two I get the fuck away from the ocean. I have been playing on full servers for a few days and haven't seen a soul. I have found their stashes though. Thanks for the Alice pack and the car. :D

Hatch is #1 for savaging a town. One hit, no sound. Just sneak up on 'em and *crunch*.

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