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My kill compilation

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took me a bit over a week to get all this footage, enjoy

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very entertaining nice compilation :thumbsup:

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Kill compilation video for Day Z.

Why isn't "Let the bodies hit the floor" playing?

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all the prepubes are downvoting my vid, fellsgoodman. thats the whole point.

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all the prepubes are downvoting my vid, fellsgoodman. thats the whole point.

Don't try to play off you being awful as some sort of pathetic attempt to be a troll.

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A couple nice shots were COMPLETELY negated by another two kills you wouldn't even have had the chance to get if you were playing on a non-nametag server.

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Yeah... Killing people with little to no gear in Cherno with 50cal real difficult. THAT is the reason people are down voting.. =/

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ask rocket to remove nametags or deal with it

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the whole point of the game to me is to get a sniper and own noobs in cherno deal with it scrubs, my kd ratio > you

ps. i had rangefinders 90% of the time so tags or not i will still kill noobs

Edited by A.Jones

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the whole point of the game to me is to get a sniper and own noobs in cherno deal with it scrubs, my kd ratio > you

ps. i had rangefinders 90% of the time so tags or not i will still kill noobs

Hahahaha I can't tell if you are a troll or just really stupid... Try kill people who can actually shoot back, make videos of that, don't make yourself look like an absolute moron. Go watch some Sacriel videos and see how its done.

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are you seriously that dumb?

most of my kills were at 400+ meters with a sniper whats the point of sniping if theres gonna be cry baby douche bags all over the forum who havnt even got their first ball hair complaining about sniping people?

did you actually watch the video? did you see the last scene? i have taken people out who have shot at me me but i dont run fraps 24/7.

edit: 6:40 a guy snuck up behind me and a few pals and i killed him within 100 meters even thoug hhe had the jump so please watch the video and stfu befgore making butthurt baby flamer comments

if any of you knew what sniping was about you would realize that what im doing is better than all of you cry babies

ps. get a life newbs

Edited by A.Jones

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1.) Sniping with nametags on.

2.) Killing noobs.

3.) Terrible shooting.

Great vid.

Yes the shooting is so terrible. *eye roll*

Let's see you consistently hit moving people from a good distance as well as this guy.

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are you seriously that dumb?

most of my kills were at 400+ meters with a sniper whats the point of sniping if theres gonna be cry baby douche bags all over the forum who havnt even got their first ball hair complaining about sniping people?

did you actually watch the video? did you see the last scene? i have taken people out who have shot at me me but i dont run fraps 24/7.

edit: 6:40 a guy snuck up behind me and a few pals and i killed him within 100 meters even thoug hhe had the jump so please watch the video and stfu befgore making butthurt baby flamer comments

if any of you knew what sniping was about you would realize that what im doing is better than all of you cry babies

ps. get a life newbs

You're REALLY bad at trolling. Like I didn't know it was this possible to be this bad at it.

I mean the number one tip is subtlety, the second is dedication. If you're going to troll, stick with it for a really long time. It'll help build believability because surely nobody can hold a stupid opinion for that long.

So far you've got 2 nailed, I say nailed. Just don't get bored of it in the morning and keep at it.

You'll get there one day babby.

Or you could just go fuck yourself, this'd be easier for everybody.

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who says im trolling? im keeping it real. too real for you. you cant handle my 1337 5n1p1ng

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who says im trolling? im keeping it real. too real for you. you cant handle my 1337 5n1p1ng

K you have 2 nailed, that's good work.

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Yes the shooting is so terrible. *eye roll*

Let's see you consistently hit moving people from a good distance as well as this guy.

When it takes him 5 rounds to hit a moving target I would call that terrible.

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first shot on the guy with a DMR i had it zeroed 100M above, and when he was zig zagging yea it can get hard.

youre just a flamer, go upload vids of yourself not being able to shoot someone 10 meters from you you filthy casual.

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1.) Sniping with nametags on.

2.) Killing noobs.

3.) Terrible shooting.

Great vid.

you terrible shit, i just looked at your vid http://dayzmod.com/f...yz/#entry344987

you didnt even take the many opportunities AND you had nametags on and youre dissing me for having a few sceens with nametags?

you really should pull your head out of your ass you hypocritical slack jaw.

Edited by A.Jones

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you terrible shit, i just looked at your vid http://dayzmod.com/f...yz/#entry344987

you didnt even take the many opportunities AND you had nametags on and youre dissing me for having a few sceens with nametags?

you really should pull your head out of your ass you hypocritical slack jaw.

I enjoyed the video. I didnt like the nametags, as that makes the job so much easier(yes i have sniped myself, and even done moving targets over 1000 meters away) but i looked away from the fact you had nametags, because you sounded like a decent guy in the video - then i came here, and you just act like an ass lol.

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all the prepubes are downvoting my vid, fellsgoodman. thats the whole point.

Red rage to a bull.. off to youtube i go to down vote this. :P

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Nice video,I was looking for something like that.

Also,don't listen to these people. I bet none of them have a sniper kill compilation like you do. Sniping isn't easy.

And it wouldn't make any difference if these people were well geared. They would get killed anyway.

Edited by vanden1989
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you terrible shit, i just looked at your vid http://dayzmod.com/f...yz/#entry344987

you didnt even take the many opportunities AND you had nametags on and youre dissing me for having a few sceens with nametags?

you really should pull your head out of your ass you hypocritical slack jaw.

1.) That wasn't me sniping in the vid, I was spotting.

2.) Acting like a douchebag will get you nowhere.

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