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fuck off, seriously.... enough with the Pussy Z posts


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I sense from the hostile replys ive been a supertard and not actually looked at the forums today?

Lots of same threads i take it apologies gents!

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To bad that started developing this game long before DayZ and the name comes from a book, get your shit straight.

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Looks fun. I'll probably play it. Sounds like they might be able to keep the psychopaths down to a more realistic portion of the game population.

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To bad that started developing this game long before DayZ and the name comes from a book, get your shit straight.

According to who? What do you expect them to say? "Why yes, when we saw and played DayZ we said lets hurry up and get a similar game to market before they do. And lets piggyback off the name DayZ."

I said it once before and I will say it again. According to them there game has been in development for over a year and they are running an in house alpha. Yet all they have to show the public is a few screenshots and not a single in game vid of game play and yet they are taking pre orders? Does any of that make sense? If your already hitting up the public for pre-orders wouldn't you at least splash what this alpha looks like to suck in the money?

The whole thing smells if you ask me, not that you did lol.

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