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Braydon (DayZ)

Invalid CD Key Please Help Me! Arma 2 and CO

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Okay, so I know from seeing the Invalid CD Key, you would think I torrented this, BUT I just bought Arma 2 Combined Operations off of steam. I've been having so many issues, all of the single player works fine on both arrowhead and arma 2. But I can't join ANY servers on either of them, DayZ or regular. When I open Arrowhead, it trys to install BattlEye but then has this error message: "Cannot Create File Directory" This under that: "I:\Arma2\Expansions\BattlEye\BEServer.dll". Then when I go into either of the games, and then to multiplayer, it won't let me join any servers at all, it loads for a second then says either "You have been kicked from the Server" or "Invalid Cd Key". This is totally ridiculous because before I bought these games I got the demos, and they BOTH worked online and I could get on any server, now that I bought them I can't play online at all. I really need help, if anyone knows anything it would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Thanks, Braydon.

Edited by Braydon

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Drogur, I'm sorry but i'm not the most computer savvy, is there anyway you could give me an explanation of the link you just sent me, because nothing they say really helps me with my problem.

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i had the same error

this should help all you have to do is copy and paste there is some kind of error where the cd key binary file isnt generated when you try to run CO befor you run Arma 2

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Okay SIMJEDI, I read your post on the other thread, but i'm not really sure what to do. I registered at Bohemia I, and I just clicked the beta patch thing, but what do I do once I have downloaded the patch? where do I put it? also what is the changelog? Do I need it? Sorry for all the questions, but I really don't want to mess up my game more then it already is. :)

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Once you download the patch just unzip it then click on the .exe file it produces then the install process will start.

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Okay did that, but once it finishes installing it says "Wrong CD Key" and then says installation is corrupted. :( What's happening?! :(

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Did verify the integrity of the files before you ran each one separately? You have to do that before installing the beta patch.

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Okay when I ran the verify the integrity. it says " 1 files failed to validate and will be acquired." But so far every time I have tried to verify the integrity it says the exact same thing. So it's obviously not working. Any Ideas?

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It says the same thing for me also so I just ignore it. Now open up each one, ArmA 2 and ArmA 2: OA separately to the main menu through Steam to make sure your keys register. After that is done install the beta. Once that gets done installing browse to the ArmA 2:OA install folder and click on the file :"Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch.exe" and you should be good to go.

Edited by SIMJEDI
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Well that did work that time, surprisingly, but when I go into multiplayer there are no servers I am able to join, like they all have a red X or require a password. Should I try DayZ now?

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The servers have to be running the same beta version that you have installed. I don't have the SixUpdater installed as I use DayZ Commander just for a server browser, but if they have a filter option just type in what version you are running to filter out ones you don't have.

Like this:


Edited by SIMJEDI

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Okay everything is working now, but instead of using 6 updater, I was wondering if you could tell me how to use the DayZ Commander? Because I think that using 6updater might have been the thing that messed me up, or at least helped. I know i'm asking alot, and thank you for your help!

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Okay I figured out how to download DayZ commander, and use the same filter and everything, but when I try and join a server it opens up and then has a really quick error message of what I think says BattlEye. Any Ideas?

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Only thing I use DayZ Commander for is a server browser as I do all updates manually so I know exactly what's going on.

You know how to install the beta patch. When a new game beta patch comes out all you do is delete the 2 files "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" and "Uninstall Arma2 OA Beta Patch" in the ArmA 2: OA folder. Then delete the "Beta" folder located in the "Expansion" directory before you install the latest one. Don't worry as it has no effect on the game.

For BattlEye go HERE and download the "BE Client for Windows (32-bit)" file and place it in the "BattlEye" folder in the "Expansion" directory and the "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 AO\BattlEye" folder after deleting the old one that's already in there

To install the latest DayZ mod that comes out just open the "Addons" folder inside the @DayZ folder located in the "ArmA 2:OA" install folder and delete everything in there. Then I download the latest one from HERE then unzip them to the "Addons" folder inside the @DayZ folder and your done.

That's it and it's not hard at all and you know it's done the right way.

Hope this helps.

Edited by SIMJEDI
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Thanks, deleted the beta thing, and went into the commander and found under versions that I can update right from there, only thing is i'm not sure how to manually update DayZ. If this works this should be my last question lol.

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Okay probably two dumb questions but where is the @DayZ folder supposed to be, because currently it is on my desktop. Also on the index of the latest, what one on that list do I download and extract into the @DayZ folder, i'm not sure what one is supposed to go there.

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