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HELP! went from 35-40 fps yesterday to maybe 1-5 fps today? Dont know how?

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Sorry for the caps, but yea I was playing Dayz perfectly fine and everything yesterday and as I go on the sixlauncher to find a game I cant... apparently there was a new update. So I try joining servers with the newest version which seems to be 1.62.95170 and I can actually join the server but as soon as I'm in a game my fps is like at 5... even if I turn down my graphics to low and very low its still bad... hell even in my menu when you see the background rotating around its laggy.

Yes I updated my graphics card with the latest driver as well... and physically looked at the card itself... its fine. This issue actually happened to me about a month ago but I just stopped playing dayz and just recently started playing a few days ago after updating to the newest dayz version and I am using the latest arma 2 beta as well... Oh and I've also uninstalled the six launcher and updater and reinstalled both of them and reinstalled the updates to see if that works... but still nothing.

If anyone has any idea how to fix this or what the hell is going on please lemme know, my computer specs are below.


AMD Phemom™ II X4 955 Processor 3.20 GHz

Nvidia Geforce 450 gts 1gb

4 gb of ram

windows 7 32 bit

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Usually lag is based on the server, not you. Your specs are fine, especially since you managed to run 35-40 FPS the day before. Try joining other servers or wait it out. The game has a lot of problems, especially since it's in Alpha status, so don't fret; nine times out of ten, it's the mod and not you.

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