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I kill players because of Alt+F4

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I'm a bandit, that's what I am.

In fact, I'm a very good bandit, usually racking up 10-20 murders/bandit kills before I'm sent back to the coastal spawn point by another bandit.

Our team are bandits, there's about 6 of us.

We're well co-ordinated, well equipped and we know exactly what we're doing.

However, the reason we kill players is usually, quite simply because we have no other option.

We've tried to be better bandits, we've tried to rob people at gunpoint numerous times, we've laid traps and ambushes and asked other players to drop their weapons.

Each time they alt+F4, with very few exceptions (some new players with crappy stuff will talk to us).

If we could actually do proper highway robberies without people being able to just logout then that'd add so much to the game, it'd be so much more interesting than just shooting people.

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alt+f4. who would have thought that it would become the biggest grief key combo of 2012.

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I agree. I've never alt+F4'd from an attack. I tried alt+F4 earlier today for a quick log out and it didn't work, just popped up some commands. Don't know if this is just me or if they implemented something, but I hope they have.

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I agree. I've never alt+F4'd from an attack. I tried alt+F4 earlier today

Cool story bro.

Edited by Sheepdawg

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yeah, that sucks.

I personally am not a bandit but I can understand how that can be frustrating. Hopefully when the "ZOMG I couldz dies hearz, bestz jus logz out" gets patched out we can get a few more actual robberies as oppose to the necessary killing that is needed now.

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I am not a bandit

I was running along a tree line in the dark last night, ran smack into someone making a fireplace, caught him with his pants down.

i didnt want to kill him i was as suprised as he was, so i got on direct and said " do not turn around i will shoot"

b4 i could do anything he logged, then i had to log just to make sure he wasnt coming up behind me from a different server.

Kinda sucked.

EDIT: i do support the surrender system

Edited by Jack Lz

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