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Rules of a Gunfight for New Players

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Avoid them like the plague

Be aware of what is going on around you by staying in condition yellow.

Have a plan or two. (If not, a "Last Will & Testament will do.)

Corollary: No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Bring at least one gun (don't bring a hatchet).

Bring the biggest gun you can handle.

Bring friends (as friendly witnesses or fire support).*

Make use of available cover.

Remember the difference between concealment and cover.

Don't get shot (Use cover to your advantage).

Place your shots well.

Pay attention to where your shots fall.

"Speed's fine, but accuracy is final."

Don't miss. (You can't miss fast enough to win.)

Never assume your opponent is out of ammo.

Bring lots of ammo.

In combat, you will be scared. You will have a tendency to shoot high. Be aware of this and aim low.

Edited by Reginald Fogbottom VI
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Good pointers.


Your font

It's soo bright :| *My eyeees*

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Be aware of what is going on around you by staying in condition yellow.

Love it! lol!!! You should add these... "Adapt and overcome" "Attention to detail, Attention to detail, and ATTENTION TO DETAIL"

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what about shoot for the legs... there is nothing more satisfying then your attacker getting eaten by some infected.

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It's funny because a new player in a gunfight rarely has a gun, aside from a double barrel which we all know can't be called a gun.

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XP this is just something I put out while I work on my serious guide.

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