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Looking for a Team/Clan

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I'm a 21 years old German (GMT+1) gamer, who wants join a European team/clan with at least 3 bandits, better more.

Here are my attributes:

- mature and serious gamer

- good teamplayer (was in a CS:S clan)

- occupied with DayZ game mechanics and tactics

- as loyal to you as you are to me

- Teamspeak + Skype (although I would use other software if desired)

- speaking English fluently

- decent gear

- very adaptive

- Standard stuff: active, no cheater, no game leaving to avoid death

Your team/clan should provide:

- good teamwork

- excellent organisation

- tactical play (like e.g. sacriel42 and his squad)

- no childish behaviour (everybody's over 18)

- loyality

- English or German as spoken language

- a Teamspeak server (or comparable)

Please PM me or post in this topic to contact me. I will send you my Steam/Skype name for further communication.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

Edited by co0kie

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man.... i wanted to but im not over 18. well ill go find another person.

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yo im looking too if u seem to find one then message me on skype i.robotank.i

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yo im looking too if u seem to find one then message me on skype i.robotank.i

sent already several requests via pm, but didn't get a message back. Finding a decent group is quite hard.

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