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Elite Bandit Club - Let them hate us, as long as they fear us

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Most pathetic thread so far.

"look at me' date=' ima kill dem noobs at elektro! now i am an uber bandit elitist with awesome skillz!!!111"

Buddy, take a visit to the north and play with real men.


I've only played this game for a week and I'm already an elite bandit with -100k humanity. One of the days I tried to explore the North but there is absolutely nothing out there. If you want to play without bandits, that's where you want to go because nobody but scared cowards go there. Coast has the best loot, the most players and the is the hardest place to survive.

You're an idiot if you seriously think that the coast has the best loot. You won't find an AT-4 on the coast.

And the opposition is much more dangerous up north, essantially the north-west is mostly fields and most players carry assault-rifles.

Now granted there's not as many players (noobs usually stick to the coast, don't ask me why) but the ones that are up there present a much greater challenge. You aren't elite anywhere. You're like a bee waiting to get mauled by a wasp.

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Pure kill numbers tell nothing about your ability as a bandit. Sniping some Nabs in Cherno is whole different story than tracking and stalking northerners.

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Most pathetic thread so far.

"look at me' date=' ima kill dem noobs at elektro! now i am an uber bandit elitist with awesome skillz!!!111"

Buddy, take a visit to the north and play with real men.


I've only played this game for a week and I'm already an elite bandit with -100k humanity. One of the days I tried to explore the North but there is absolutely nothing out there. If you want to play without bandits, that's where you want to go because nobody but scared cowards go there. Coast has the best loot, the most players and the is the hardest place to survive.


oh i should visit these sub forums more. This post here sums up all that is wrong with the game (well not anymore)

I already saw ppl brag about their -xxxx humanity the problem is even when these tards got killed they kept that humanity instead of it being reset.

Thank god its no longer being shown.

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Pure kill numbers tell nothing about your ability as a bandit. Sniping some Nabs in Cherno is whole different story than tracking and stalking northerners.

I'm currently on a 30+ kill streak and while at it I killed a guy from the magical north who had DMR and decided to try it out in elektro. Didn't kill one person before I destroyed him. Not impressed.

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Gods.... what have you people done!?

We need a priest In this post... and a, A grade baptising >.>

And holy water/gas/rags/match's... also sunglasse's

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"Survivors" who camp the North are this game's bandits.

Keep on bragging about bein a badass, bra.

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demu, the only time skill comes into play in this game is when you're coordinating a team or facing off in a sharpshooter duel. Everything else is luck. Getting sniped by some dude hiding out in some point within a 1km radius is as random as slipping off a cliff, and pretending like it's anything otherwise makes you a tool. Reading about a long con, where somebody gains three or four players' trust before robbing them blind, that shit is fucking cool. This crap... it's just stupid and boring.

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Elite Bandits are those who have more than 100 000 negative humanity. They are merciless killers who prey on survivors who are not skilled enough to survive. Why should the strong find their own supplies when they can just take it from the weak and pathetic. I'm the dragon' date=' you're the honey badger.

I just broke -100k humanity with two kills I got in elektro firestation. I was proned in the corner watching all doors at once for about 40 minutes. Just watching(youtube, steam browser FTW) and waiting for someone to come look for supplies -- only to find death. When I saw the door open I quickly raised my iron sights and realized they didn't even see me. I readied my aim and to the sounds of KoRn - Got the life I shot... BOOM BOOM! And just like in the song, I got their lives. I drank their water because I was thirsty, they had nothing else on them that I cared for. But killing them felt so good..


The only good bandit is a dead bandit.

So called sniper-bandits with there big guns and small balls taken out noobs from 800m away in Cherno/Elektro ya that takes alot of skill.. (Sarcastic)

The real-bandits love to get in close for the kill, you got to respect them for that....

Not some COD tool login in killing a few survivors then server hopping and doing the same again and again........ That takes some great skill... Must make you "HARD"

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Elite Bandits are those who have more than 100 000 negative humanity. They are merciless killers who prey on survivors who are not skilled enough to survive. Why should the strong find their own supplies when they can just take it from the weak and pathetic. I'm the dragon' date=' you're the honey badger.

I just broke -100k humanity with two kills I got in elektro firestation. I was proned in the corner watching all doors at once for about 40 minutes. Just watching(youtube, steam browser FTW) and waiting for someone to come look for supplies -- only to find death. When I saw the door open I quickly raised my iron sights and realized they didn't even see me. I readied my aim and to the sounds of KoRn - Got the life I shot... BOOM BOOM! And just like in the song, I got their lives. I drank their water because I was thirsty, they had nothing else on them that I cared for. But killing them felt so good..


Interesting, I dunno how you can even see your humanity.

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shh no tears only dreams now

lol'ing hard at you guys criticizing snipers. If it's so easy why don't you guys just do it? Oh hey, I forgot, all you got is an akm with a few mags. Why so mad at people with nice gear? Just because we have nice weapons doesn't means we server hop. I'm alive for 8 days and I worked really really hard for everything I've got right now.

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you people are whats wrong with this game. i should fear the zombies, and be excited to run into another player, its a hell of a lot easier to fucking sit in a corner with your gun trained on the door/ sniper trained on a town, then to be the lone wolf survivor in that town, evading YOU and zombies. pathetic.

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you people are whats wrong with this game. i should fear the zombies' date=' and be excited to run into another player, its a hell of a lot easier to fucking sit in a corner with your gun trained on the door/ sniper trained on a town, then to be the lone wolf survivor in that town, evading YOU and zombies. pathetic.


You sir, would definitely not survive a zombie apocalypse. Most people would shoot on site. How do we know if you're bitten? How do we know if you're not trying to befriend us, and then kill us? Trust is the risky aspect of this game that makes it very cool.

I shoot to protect my family.

If you want to make progress, you should stop going to hot bandit PK zones. Travel up north to random towns and such. What are even more pathetic are players who consistently complain, and are too stubborn to learn (e.g. reading posted information, guides, experience tips, etc.).

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you people are whats wrong with this game. i should fear the zombies' date=' and be excited to run into another player, its a hell of a lot easier to fucking sit in a corner with your gun trained on the door/ sniper trained on a town, then to be the lone wolf survivor in that town, evading YOU and zombies. pathetic.


The thing that i find pathetic is people complaining about getting shot over and over again..

Specially in towns like elektro and Cherno.

Me and my friend's have played for 2days roughly, meanign we started playing it this week.

The first day we had an average lifespan of 1hr AT MAX, but it increased slowly.

Control's were diffrent, and learning the map took ages, and we still fail at it sometimes, but

we are former military, not that it matters in the game, but map and compass works the same here as in real life, so we have no probles finding out where we are.

That was the first thign we learned.

Furthermore, we were very rambo and just ran into towns, pulling zombies left and right, standing in the streets shooting, only to get kneecapped by a fellow on some roof half a kilomoter away from us.

Day 2. We now have 2 people who survived 24hours, we are decked out with food, and only missing super rare items like NVG, rangefinder and such..

And obviously weapons..

They both died.. did they cry about it?

Sure, they got abit upset..

Yesterday we started again.. And guess what?

4th day comming up in the game today, and we are very much alive, we have raided cities for supplies, ammo and weapons, and we stay alive..

We had no coice but to put down 2 players yesterday, simply because they were after us, and heading our direction.

This is a survival game.

You don't win and survive by doing what's right, you survive by doing what's necessary..

And we had to put them down, such was the situation..

Get over your death, or quit the game.

Either way we wont care if we loose another guy who can't udnerstand the basic concept of the game and the risks that comes with it..

Tip if you die?

You have NOTHING, meaning you can't loose anything..

Head to the outskirts of a big town, and then head in through the middle, and hit the nearest mall, and 2 office complexes, and then get out, and get to the woods asap zulu..

That's how it is mate..

Stand arround to long looting, trying to decide what to take and you will die..

9/10 times..

See you ingame!


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Go up north, waste ppl when ya have disadvantage, encounter a group and kill them alone, take out snipers with non sniper weaps on long distance... then ya can call ya elite

killing a noob who has makarov with ur M4A1 SD and NV googles on in the dark makes ur advantage so big that u can hardly call yaself elite dude.

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Dumbest freaking clan name i've seen..

Reminds me of the start off CS 1.3 when clans really started emerging.

The creativity and attitude is that of a premature 13year old with a macaroni between his legs..

Beeing elite?

Don't make me laugh..

Cod requiring true skill?

Yeah, at real time multiplatform lans, or proper gameing stands, but online?

Shit is a joke.. and this is comming from a former sponsored player in CS 1.6, CS: source, and CoD4<-- the only cod game that was any decent, and had a future, until scrubs complained about stuff beeing to unrealistic, and the followup games got dumbed down..

I see this whole tread as a simple troll, nothing more, nothing less..

Haveing ur prestige rank as a way to "showoff" simply tells me ur a nerd, nothing else.

Im a nerd aswell, but atleast i have soem honor to it, and don't need to brag about it.

Prestige rank requirements: have spare time on your hands, and be willing to continue a game with poor physics, a ton of cheaters, and a shitty comunity until you either give up, or you follow through with it, gaining ur rank 5..

You can't match that game with this, 2diffrent genres, diffrent playstyles required..

Not sure if you are just simply abit dumb, or just truly shortsighted and tunnelvisioning when trying to act cool for kudos on the web..

I'll put the last bit in a language you understand:

Either way.. have fun mate..

Hope i meet you ingame so you can show of your Pr0 sk!11z brah..

I'll thank you in advance for the gear, as the probability of you killing me as none existent.

You don't have the attitude to be a true bandit.. And i swim in river of tears every night from people just like you!!

My camp is at the Pobeda Dam @Chicago 30

See you there h0m3b0y, unless you are sc4r3d to looser ur gear!

Kind regards,


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Most pathetic thread so far.

"look at me' date=' ima kill dem noobs at elektro! now i am an uber bandit elitist with awesome skillz!!!111"

Buddy, take a visit to the north and play with real men.


I love this. You are doing exactly what he wants to. It's giving him exposure. Go ahead and comment on how dumb you think this is. All It's doing is persuading more people to try to join this group.

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you people are whats wrong with this game. i should fear the zombies' date=' and be excited to run into another player, its a hell of a lot easier to fucking sit in a corner with your gun trained on the door/ sniper trained on a town, then to be the lone wolf survivor in that town, evading YOU and zombies. pathetic.


Holy shit, the amount of butthurt irradiating from you is off the charts.

Get back to reality and realize other than close friends and family, assume everyone is going to shoot you.

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>logs onto hardcore zombie apocalypse game forums

>cod stats in signature


CoD is the biggest game out there in the FPS genre so it's the standard measurement of skill and as such I think it's fair to say it's valid to have your CoD achievements on display in any FPS game. If this was a Diablo 3 forum' date=' it wouldn't make sense but it's not.


i vomited a little in my mouth after reading him sayCOD is a measure of skill.

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