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New Player Here!

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Hey guys, just got the game because I heard about this mod. Having a great time with it. Do most of you just do a quick match, or do you pick a certain server? Got a shotgun and a few shells, which was nice, but then some zombies got me.

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I pick servers accordingly to my location, timezone, Ch, 3dp, Player Amout. I usually join the ones with about 30-40/50 which is Day ingame and CH on and 3dp Off. I like having the feeling of being able to talk to others globally. Also the 3dp person can be used to look over walls and windows without putting yourself at risk, which is kinda like cheating In my opinion, I therefore join mostly servers with 3rd person off. Ive never used quick match.

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I hop about between intervals of ass-kicking (Haha no I hide in the forest and haven't ever seen another human being). Server-hopping is frowned upon by some, but I don't do it incessantly, and I don't do it to farm loot (huzzah moral self-righteous piety). Generally clicking the word "ping" on the top of the server page twice will align them in order from least to greatest. Try the one with the least if it's around you and you seem to like it.

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I just pick servers which I have low pings with. Get in where you can! (note a lot of servers now kick players with pings over 200)

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I think most people pick. It's better since you can choose if you would rather encounter others or be alone and search for items.

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