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Leo Rain

Kicked out of every single game [nvm fixed]

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I recently updated my Operation Arrowhead to 1.60 Release Candidate-version and since then I've been kicked out of every game. There was no rollback-option to get back to the regular Steam 1.60-version, so I reinstalled my Operation Arrowhead.

It didn't help, I'm still being kicked out of the servers. When I'm kicked, the game shows a popup that says "You were kicked off the game."

Game shows that my current version is 1.60.87580, is this correct or should it say something else?'

Edit: Bollocks, should have read the stickies! Fixed, this thread can be deleted :p

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Updated my BattlEye as told here:


When I join the server I get kicked back to the lobby without any error messages.

- Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory.

Although now that I'm trying to join it does the same thing again... Well, maybe I'll just wait for the "official" release of DayZ :p

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