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Luke Nufc

Looking for people to meet up with ( New people are very welcomed)

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I am looking for people to team up with. I will give you basic gear if we do meet up.

We can talk via steam : )

I don't have a mic but have xbox live with a mic : )

Please post your steam name below and I will add you : )

I am also fairly new too and want people to play with!

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add me on steam, im looking to buddy up as well considering everybody seems to be hostile even though i dont shoot at them :/ steam:haptic repulse, i live in florida US

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Started playing recently, looking for someone to play with. steam name is Lleshlo.

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If your looking 4 some guys to play with, you can add me on steam @ TheFlyingDemocrat, but I'm new to this game and looking for someone who would be willing to help me out a bit.


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you can add me if you like, im fairly new but i stumbled across an airfield by some medical tents somewhere off the coast, and i have a few good bits of kit.

SteamID - theshockingone

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jamiemin0r is my steam name. Need people to play with too!

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Another new player from the UK here. I try to play whatever daytime servers I can get onto at the moment, not a big fan of nighttime survival at the moment.

Steam: heyitskiwi

Looking to get a mic in the next week or so...

Edited by heyitskiwi

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