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Face smashers still looking for players!

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So we are still a fairly small group of players, around 5/6 active players with a few peopel who pop on for a night a week aswell. Allthough our name probably gives the impression we are complete dickheads, this is not the case. We play like survivors should but if you stand in our way we will probaby open fire because if you are not apart of our team, you can't be trusted.

Anyway, if you want to join head over to our forums: http://fsb.ucoz.com/ (Still making big changes to it) and fill an application out.

We mainly play on european servers but we also have a few Americans who play with us. We are an english talking clan but have members from Finland, Germany, Holland and more!

So please feel free to pop by and say hello!

Thank you for your time.

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