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Survivor Skins

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Working with my friends in Day Z, I'm having a hell of a time telling friend from foe, simply because the survivor skin is from Private Military Company... And there are only 3 or 4 variations of those.

I'll tell you a little story that happened yesterday :

Entering the forest to retrieve equipment from my freshly killed corpse that a buddy of mine was looking after; I see a survivor lying on his belly, I sneak up behind a tree and say :

ME: "Hey Padi ... Is that you lying on the ground?"

PADI : "Yeah i'm on the ground. "

ME : "Stand up so I can be sure it's you."

.... The survivor in front of me looks off to his right, but otherwise doesn't stand up.

Me : "Padi, are you standing?"

Padi : "Yeah, I'm standing. Where are you?"

The Survivor in front of me opens fire....

Padi : "Oh shots fired! I've been hit" ...

Padi dies....primarily because I told him to stand up, and violated the no#1 rule of hiding.

Now this sort of confusion would have been avoided if survivor skins were more numerous and varied.

Things like suits, farming attire, raincoats, shirts, jeans, hoodies.... even different types of hats would help identify friend from foe.

As it stands, It is sometimes impossible to tell if the person I am about to shoot is my enemy.

Any thoughts on this topic?

Edited by ScramUK
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We'd all like this, this is not a new topic by any stretch of the imagination! Also, what kind of name is 'Padi' ? Is that a poorly spelt 'Paddy'?

Edited by DryGulch

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We'd all like this, this is not a new topic by any stretch of the imagination! Also, what kind of name is 'Padi' ? Is that a poorly spelt 'Paddy'?

It's how he spells it. PaDi ... Perhaps its an anachronim - I've never asked.

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No. If you could distinguish people's morality or allegiance by a skin, it would not be DayZ.

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No. If you could distinguish people's morality or allegiance by a skin, it would not be DayZ.

Try reading the OP again, he didn't mention anything about morality. He's talking about being able to recognise your friends, which makes perfect sense.

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I like this idea a lot. Mainly because this has happened to me before when im with a group of friends.

When its just me and my buddies ReNvAr and Daze we can easily tell each other apart because ReNvAr was a chick, Daze had a Guillie and i carry an Axe as a primary.

But anytime another friend joins the mix it gets really confusing and annoying when we have to hesitate to shoot because we are not sure that that person way down the path is one of us or not.

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No. If you could distinguish people's morality or allegiance by a skin, it would not be DayZ.


If you're going to leave your oh-so-valuable insight on someone's suggestion, at least take the time to read it.

Is this guy a troll or something? Does he go around copying and pasting this in every forum topic regarding skins?

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Old topic but a goody, variation will be introduced later im sure. We just have to make do with what we have.

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