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What do you do after ... ???

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I just got the game the other day and am having a blast with it. I've only played solo but have met up with people in the cities and ran around for a few min before parting ways.

I've now got myself setup pretty good.

Ive got my basic supplies.




water bottle

(I've got into the wild hunted and cooked meat etc etc ill not go hungry or thirsty)

I hit the hospital on the way out of the city.





I can keep myself healthy and cure myself if I get a virus/cold

On my travels I managed to arm myself (Thank you Deer stands)

Pistol: M1911 - 5 mags

Rifle: CZ550 - 4 clips

Other mics gear:

Chem lights




Alice pack

few soda cans

few food cans

Im now out in the wilderness, avoiding the cities roaming the country side, ive gotten good at scouting a town for people before heading in to check for supplies/items, I survived 1 attack by using cover and making a quick exodus to the tree line and running for it.

Im a Lone wolf surviving on the country side.

(Im bored now)

I've got the basic's of keeping myself full and not dying to zombies. I've managed to avoid dying a few times in the cities but they are quite dangerous and I dont want to head back into them now that im stocked up on gear. I have not found a "Home" server to play on regularly so Im not overly interested in leaving a tent somewhere with supplies. I dont really want to hunt other survivors.

I've been reading on the airfields and getting military gear and all that jazz, but I don't "Need" it to survive im doing that quite well with my rag tag gear.

So the question at hand. Once you figured out how to survive what do you do? Im trying to get a couple friends interested in playing with me which will be fun but lets again assume we gather all we need to live in the countryside and raid towns for supplies if we needed anything. where do you go next?

Is player vs player really the end game?

-Gamer info

IGN: Dorsilfin

Steam Proifle: Dorsilfin

Timezone: EST (NewYork)

30 year old gamer for life.

Currently employed in the information tech field

I do not play for the "lulz" or random griefing that many games seem to find

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Pretty much. Try and get a Ghille suit or Camo.

You can also find NVG and a GPS. Then you are pretty much at End Game.

Edited by milkyway12

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Two points to add on:

1. Find and repair vehicles; and

2. The "game" is still in alpha, meaning that many more features are coming (I think player bases/safehouses will be able to be built). I imagine this game will not focus on balance, but on adding additional things to collect and aquire, either through farming or through goals/acheivements. At least this would constantly give you something new to work towards.

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Helicopter will be the endgame for me. They are rumored to come back soon. When they do I'll be flying around towns all day. Picking up randoms and what not. Flying does not get boring, at least not for me ^^

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There is no "end-game". The game is what you make of it. You can do PvP, if you want, but there are many other options. You can join a group and do raids or survival or whatever with them. You can continue to try to survive lone wolf. You can give yourself handicaps to make the game more interesting. You can go on a zombie rampage and just suicide while taking out as many zombies as you can, and then start over. It's all what you make of it. So go out and do what you want. That is the essence of this game.

Edited by Sandwichx

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It would be nice to have 2-3 characters, So i could spend time running around gearing up which was quite fun.. then either dying or handing my stuff off to a stranger and doing it again.

fixing up the vehicles seems like alot of work which is fine, but again spend a few hours fixing it up. driving it around (Insert thumbs up cool status) and then when I log off ill probably never see it again. Lots of time invested for something that I will probably get to use once.

I guess I should really find a solid east coast server with low ping to play on dedicated so i can stash things here and there and see if they are there when i get back lol

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Go help other survivors if you are into that.

I am sure someone out there would appreciate the help. :o

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well I went north to the NE airfield hoping to score some night vision to make traveling at night 100% easier.

im in the first hangar nothing good.

creepyign to the next one.. Pow.. down I go ..

Sigh.. its the rough life up north. lol

Back to playing in the cities I guess

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