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Vehicle Fragility Is An Issue

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As difficult as it is to get a vehicle running and sustain it, the fact that one player can unload ~10 rounds into your vehicle an make it explode is quite ridiculous. Please consider making vehicles a lot more resilient to small arms fire in terms of catching on fire/exploding.

Edited by Caelib

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You can finish a car in 1 hit with the right weapon. You just gotta be careful and know where to go and especially where not to. :P

I have several vehicles in different camps, only once have I ever been in danger of getting blown up. Also, a lot of players try to kill you rather then destroy the car as they want it for themselves. xP

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They should be able to disable the car with prolonged gunfire

(or just hard hitting ammunition)

explosions are cool and all but, I'd like to be able to force them to get out of the car myself.

Edit: Then after you decide what you want to do with them, you can repair the car itself etc etc

Edited by Red_Sky

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If military vehicles were this fragile in real life, nobody would use them.

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I haven't yet been shot at whilst driving, I think you should just be smarter about when you drive.

Think about this..

Do you need to drive? Can't you walk to where you're going?

Can you go when it's night time instead?

If none of the above..

Take a different route (even off road through a forest if you need to) and park further away in a tree line, and preferably bring a friend incase - hits the fan.

Remember: Vehicles are by far the most valuable item in Day Z, take the extra 30 minutes of being cautious if it means you'll save the vehicle.

Edited by Esoteric

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