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Weapons of any sort

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Hey guys brand new fresh meat here and i have some issues starting out trying to find any weapons of any sort or food of any sort while trying to sneak around zombies into houses i cant seem to find anything before dieing and being spotted, any advice would be great also kinda look for a group if you want a noob.

Also what is the best way to find people to group with without being executed on site....

Steam confidence651352

Edited by Affinity

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Oh man. Finding people who won't shoot you on sight... Now that there'll be a challenge.

Then again, I've found plenty of people who are friendly if you use voice chat. If you talk a lot over voice chat, and don't sound too hardcore I find people are more comfortable with the notion you're not gonna kill them.

Once they start chatting back, I take it as a good sign. Then again, it doesn't always work, and it only takes for it to fail once for your fuck to be shitted up

Finding weapons... The Double-barreled hunting shotgun was my favourite weapon for a long time, and the Winchester a while before that. You find ammo for those guns everywhere, so it makes them great for taking out Zombies and they're really decent in a firefight if you're smart.

Best place to find those guns is often in barns, and farmyards.

Apartment buildings - there are some in Cherno and Berezino, for example - are a good place to find a sidearm like a .45 revolver, in my experience.

Edited by Scerun

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stay crouched when you move AT ALL TIMES around populated areas. search houses and other buildings for weapons and food never stand still for too long.

for a starter since it doesn't matter too much, hit the bigger towns and especially Balota airfield for good beginner gear

Probably best way to find people to play with is post on forums because in the game people are more likely to shoot on sight then risk loosing their precious gear

ass soon as you feel confident and stocked up enough (at least a primary weapon and a sidearm + medical gear, food and water) head inland and keep your eyes open

for crashed helicopters and deer stands (deer stands are mini tower things with a chance of military gear and ammo)

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how do you even talk to people though can you type to them or...

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Capslock + mic

Also, check out a loot map if you qanna know where you´re likely to find some starting guns. The pubs, supermarkets, churches, offices and farms are a good place to find avarage guns.

I personally advice you to sprint like mad rather then sneak. Sprint until you find some okish gear, then start being more quiet and careful. When you spawn you got nothing to loose, so take advantage of it and be as quick and loud as you wanna be. xP

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I can't help but feel that you may be trying to play this game like L4D which it is not.

You can't just run around looking for gear and what not without expecting to aggro zombies. This is a realism survival mod. When you spawn with no weapons and you enter a town you are looking to loot it's best to navigate the area in prone at all times unless you get used to what you can and cannot get away with in terms of sneaking by zombies.

That being said your best bet for gearing up are Deer stands imo. They are mostly safely out of the way and only a handful of zombies spawn around them that are normally easily to avoid.

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