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Another Resusitation Idea

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I know the idea of resuscitation and defibrilators has been discussed before. From reading the comments a lot of people seemed to like the idea but others had an issue with it taking something away from the game. I've been thinking and have what i feel is a workable idea for the resus mechanic and am interested to see what others think.

  • Defibs can be looted from hospitals but with a low probablity, possibly the same as antibiotics.
  • In order to resus someone you need certain supplies in your inventory (4 blood bags, 2 bandages, Morphine and an epi-pen)
  • All these items (except the defib) are used up in the process.
  • Players who are revived come back on 2500 blood (as weak as a baby kitten)
  • Players who die from a headshot are not revivable
  • There is a certain window in which resuscitation must be undertaken following death
  • A percentage sucess rate could be introduced to resuscitation so it is not always successful. The chance of success would decrease exponentially with passing time.

I think this could introduce a nice new mechanic into the game which enhances team play and fleshes out the 'medic class' without taking away from the experience and the reality of permadeath which makes DayZ so compelling. Let me know what you think or any ideas on how to make it better.

Edited by CombatLama
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This isn't a bad idea. It would certainly work for groups of people working together to have a designated 'medic' on the team, and it may stop people disconnecting if there's a chance they can resuscitate their friend who got ambushed rather than just run away and save themselves.

This happened to me not so long ago: a friend and I were ambushed by a bandit. The bandit killed my friend, I killed the bandit, and then sat there for 15 minutes waiting for my friend to corpse run.

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Yes I've thought simillar mechanics but instead of defibrilator, heart massage could be used (maybe with lower chance then when using defib unit). Rather then autousing some medicaments, player would have to apply epipen to downed player, then proceed with heart massage, then giving transfusion and painkillers and maybe also morphine.

Also you could try this only on freshly downed player maybe less then 1 minute or something.

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What about broken bones? I still dont even get the concept of Jab stab wait oh im good..

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