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A Good camp, gone wrong.

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So, me and my team were on our way back to camp, when the server restarted. There was a car, and we decided to take it outside of the airfield. Well, we hit a bush(The ones you can knock down easily), and fucking exploded. We got mad, but were going to go back to camp. Well, my friend marked it, BUT HE MARKED IT IN THE MOST STUPIDIST WAY EVER. He double-clicked shift+click and labeled it.... camp. We said, "Dude, who marked our camp?"

Krazy: "I did."


** you hear all rage, as we scramble to get back.

Half get back, when 4 hackers came to the bloody camp.

My team wiped all out but this m107 guy(Ghillie.)

Krazy died(Immediately) and Nomad died,(As soon as I got there.)

I get to the top of the hill as the sniper is getting into the vehicle.

I see him die, I was like, that was the rest of them.

THEN the guy with a friend spawned, (Almost 2 minutes after death next to him, named Snakes and Grazo(Sniper). Snakes apparentely died a full 10 minutes before and somehow was able to walk the same distance it takes to get from Elektro to the airfield. He also had a nice little L85A2 AWS and was able to kill us all like it was easy(Bull shit, we hit him with a sniper and he kept moving. That's all for now....

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Hackers don't need a camp to be marked to find it, seems more likely a organized group of players to me. They might be abusing exploits to not loose their gear after they got shot though...

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See, the problem was, Snake died literally 8 minutes before the sniper was shot down. And the Sniper died, and reappeared with a sniper and camo. The each had Nightvision goggles, Coyote packs, a sniper in the pack, two extra ghillies, and high-tec guns that you almost will never find, such as the AS50 in one of there packs, or the possibility of them each having there own ghillie suit in there packs. There is no way you could get from Kamenyka and get to our camp in the middle of the forest and make it there in under 8 minutes. Or find a L85A2 AWS within a towns that are near the camp. Tbh, we had our faults, but I know when a shot will kill, and I know when a headshot takes place. I know every gun within DayZ, I can look at someones gun, (except the m4a1 and m16a2 which have the same model) But like a m24 or a AKM. And also, just a quick question, if you want to group up, or some other stuff, I got a group sign up, tbh, I would need to know stuff just incase you try to fuck me over. I can tell if someone is trying to fuck my group over, I have seen it. And trust me, everyone does it. I watched a video of a guy who HELPED a guy who got axed and was unconscious, and he helped him. And he later killed him with an axe. People don't like people. TBH, Most people just use people for help then backstab.

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Hackers don't need a camp to be marked to find it, seems more likely a organized group of players to me. They might be abusing exploits to not loose their gear after they got shot though...

Problem is, this happened in where the exploits weren't easy to find since there was only SMALL bugs, such as the meat.The reason why I am saying there hackers, is that they got a L85A2 AWS and most likely teleported back. And, when the sniper got killed, there car diseapeared.

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