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Night problems

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Hi comunity, I'm a new player and I have a big trouble whit night: I can't see anything.... I see all black except the sky, which I is gray. I can't distinguish any border of any object, except for objects that have the sky in the background.

I've tried to turn up the brightness ad range but nothing!

How can I do?


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Oh boy.

There is a giant thread on this here:


There is a lot of feedback on it. I myself am of the opinion that it needs adjustment so that visibility is far under full moonlight, down to barel a couple of meters in full nighttime darkness.

There are a lot of people who contend that absolute pitch black is realistic and that they love playing this way. I'm not sure that I believe them.

Anyway, check out that thread. It has many opinions about both how darkness works in the game as well as what ways you can legitimately make it easier (upping your game and brightness, for example, is considered akin to hacking by some, but no one really calls increasing the HDR setting hacking, despite the fact that they are both simply video settings).


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Gamme / Brightness goes up..

Video settings:

- Postprocessing: off

- HDR: High / V.High

..If thats done and u still can't see -anything- on a clear night with moonlight..

Consider getting a new monitor, graphics card.. or eyes.

And indeed, some of us -really- do enjoy it the way it is.. Hard to believe? maybe.

Sticking to shadow cover and approaching people unseen using the concealment is dare i say it, a large point of the entire game ?

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Practise and get better. Dont try to change the game to suit you.

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upping your game and brightness, for example, is considered akin to hacking by some, but no one really calls increasing the HDR setting hacking, despite the fact that they are both simply video settings

Upping your gamma is akin to cheating somewhat since you artificially push the gamma settings. It's a bit like a wall hack, etc. Not that big of a deal really, but still. It's like playing a RPG game for the story and exploration, and reading a guide and spoilers...contradictory.

HDR is just basic setting for nights to work as intended in ARMA2, otherwise you do not get the proper night visuals, with moonlight reflecting off other textures on the ground (as they do in reality).

As someone who do camp in the wild quite often, DAYZ is really the first 3D game to truly, in my view, reflect what darkness is outside of civilization "light bubble". Out there, when there's not moon or it's very cloudy, you often cannot see you hands 10cm from your face and it gets your mind racing through all kinds of shits, just like it does for me in Dayz. I love it but of course, I don't go and do crazy shit when it's night :)

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Practise and get better. Dont try to change the game to suit you.

Practise?? I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING! If i have a zombie in front of me I can't see it!

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No, please don't listen to these people Rocket! Don't let them spoil this mod.

If you don't like it how it is then play on a server with daylight or don't play.

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upping your game and brightness' date=' for example, is considered akin to hacking by some, but no one really calls increasing the HDR setting hacking, despite the fact that they are both simply video settings[/quote']

Upping your gamma is akin to cheating somewhat since you artificially push the gamma settings. It's a bit like a wall hack, etc. Not that big of a deal really, but still. It's like playing a RPG game for the story and exploration, and reading a guide and spoilers...contradictory.

Comparing upping brightness to a wallhack.

No. Its nothing like that and for you to even compare it to that.. Its starting to go down the stupid route of:

What about using a joystick? Is that cheating if not everyone has a joystick..

Or, if someone has a bigger monitor.. Or 3 monitors, or head tracking.

Playing pc games against people over the internet you have to realise people will have:

- Better pcs

- better internets

- more free time

- bigger willies

Deal with it, do something about it or move on..

@ michele42 - post a screenshot... Maybe you just need a new gfx card/driver version or something..

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