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I am unconcious and bleeding out fast. If I die..

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Will my body remain there? Can I run back to it? Spent all day looting to find a sniper rifle, finally found one and then someone shoots me. I fire back and he instantly ALT F4's. I pass out and am at 1k blood and still bleeding.

What causes bodies to disappear? I want to just die and run back but am worried my body won't be there.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 12:13 PM, baijiaqing said:

Yes your body stays unless someone decides to hide it or if the server restarts.

Alright, thanks.. Wish me luck!

EDIT: actually going to wait alittle while.. See if my friend comes online to help me

Edited by Gashed

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  On 7/20/2012 at 12:13 PM, baijiaqing said:

Yes your body stays unless someone decides to hide it or if the server restarts.

Or unless you disconnect wich will make the corpse vanish in a 80% of the cases, ofc you have to disconnect anyways.

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Your dead corpse will only hand around for 15 minutes if I am recalling correctly.

I hope you found it but the odds of spawning close enough to run there is going to be highly difficult.

Hit up any and all deer stands you can and you will find a better weapon within 30 minutes, I promise you.

-Good luck!

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how did it go man,did u find ur corpse?

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  On 7/20/2012 at 2:28 PM, PAiN512 said:

Your dead corpse will only hand around for 15 minutes if I am recalling correctly.

You are not recalling correctly. I was killed a few days ago on Green Mountain while carrying my treasured M107 along with a tonne of other gear. Came back to the spot about 2+ hours later to find all my gear still there, which was then shared amongst the friends I'd brought with me to help me search. Got my Barrett back though :)

That isn't to say that bodies don't just disappear sometimes, just that it doesn't seem to me that corpse persistence is as low as 15 minutes. I'm actually being quite reserved with my estimation of how long it took to return to Green Mountain, could well have been longer in truth.

Anyway, good luck to you OP, I know how heartbreaking it can be to lose something you searched so long to find!

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