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XxSC4RECR0WxX Thanks a lot man.

Gave me morphine, blood bag and painkillers and helped me avoid a horrible death in the woods =D

Saved my life. I apreciate it bro ;)

Not a problem. B)

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need antibiotics at berezino hospital (

feel free to add mee on steam

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I have a broken leg, between Kamenka and Pavlovo.

I have quite a few supplies to offer as a thank you. Blood bags, smoke grenade, epi-pen and such.

Timezone is UK GMT, if you just give me a server to connect to.

Very much appreciated.

UPDATE: Thanks for those that PM'd. I was unexpectedly AFK for a bit. In any case, the game has now respawned me at Dakon, which is east of Electro. I'm going to head for the hospital and hope, but if anyone is in the area with Morphine, please message Ajhayter on steam!

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UPDATE: Thanks for those that PM'd. I was unexpectedly AFK for a bit. In any case, the game has now respawned me at Dakon, which is east of Electro. I'm going to head for the hospital and hope, but if anyone is in the area with Morphine, please message Ajhayter on steam!

UPDATE: Operation complete. I have found some Morphine!

Anyone in the Electro and north thereov region, PM me if you need a blood transfusion. Thanks for those who assisted.

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Need assistance please. I'm in the barn between Kamenka and Komarovo and slightly north. (http://dayzdb.com/map#6.027.122) I have 2k blood and could use a transfusion or some meat to get rid of this blurry vision.

I sent you a PM, but I might not be able to log in.

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Medics from this topic do very good job, so dont give them die in stupid way. If you go to big cities on coast like Cherno or Electro remember its WAR ZONE. And moving there is only looking for trouble if you can gather your gear in safer zones inside of continent.

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like i said, i still need antibiotics at berenzino hospital (

steam name on the left side ;)

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My steamID is zomboing2. I'm in a small unnamed town consisting of 1 enterable house, 1 unenterable houes, and a barn that is just south of novy-sobor. My legs are broken I'm at 6000 blood and I need painkillers. I will be hiding inside of the barn please help me someone.

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"Pavalion" Helped me out greatly. he had to dodge a sniper to get to me and gave me a blood transfusion when I only asked him for morphine.

Thanks so much and I'm glad you didn't get wounded by that douchebag bandit sniper!

No problemos B)

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like i said, i still need antibiotics at berenzino hospital (

steam name on the left side ;)

Check pm.

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My steamID is zomboing2. I'm in a small unnamed town consisting of 1 enterable house, 1 unenterable houes, and a barn that is just south of novy-sobor. My legs are broken I'm at 6000 blood and I need painkillers. I will be hiding inside of the barn please help me someone.

Check pm. We can help.

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I tried to help Lunchmeat, but he got flung across the map when he logged in like my last potential patient.

This is a little bit frustrating.

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For patients with no ping issues to Europe, we are available and mobile. Please contact me via skype or reply in thread.

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I finally had some decent gear, fought off a few zombies and proptly broke my leg. I was determined that this time, I would not be starting over. I crawled all the way across Cherno to get to the hospital to get some morphine. Miraculously I was not shot. Instantly refreshed with my morphine high, stood up.. it seems one infected resident at the hospital was more than happy to see me. This crazy, glitchy zombie that would not die started beating me senseless. I started running but it was too late, I was bleeding, I reached a safe hiding spot, bandaged my wounds and discovered I couldn't see anything. I was sitting in a shed with 2000 blood left, just outside one of the worst cities I've ever visited. I sent out a call to Joe Shaw, one of Dr. Wastelands trusted medics. Joe and Paladin 1128 wasted no time rescuing me from hours of blind wandering or another trip to the shore with only my trusty flashlight and bandage.

Thank you Joe Shaw and Paladin 1128 for your help.. you guys are great.

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Located at the red X on the map.


Only need bandages, bleeding out too fast to go down to the supermarket. Message me via Skype: KevinCaution

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Just wanna give a big thanks to FoxWolf45 and dionysos for saving my butt. I spawned on the middle island of Otmel with 3,700 blood and waited for them to cross through Cherno and all the way to reach me. As I layed there in the prone I had to eat and drink what I had left of consumables so I wouldnt starve to death. When they both reach the outskirts of Kamyshovo, one of them pulled security while the other drop his gear and swam across to give me a blood transfusion :) Then he escorted me through the shallow parts of the water from the Island I was on to the beach of Kamyshovo. They even helped me with more water and food since I consumbed mine. Great couple of guys to work with. Sorry FoxWolf bout your back pack that you couldn't retrieve after rescuing me. I will help you find another one and restock on supplies for going through all that trouble. I recommend them both for medical services :thumbsup:

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Antariuk helped me a few hours ago with the broken leg I was dealt in the middle of the map. The server was really glitchy with him but he endured it all like a pro while he assisted me. After I could walk again we hit a few deer stands and then raided Stary together, I'm now walking and nicely decked out. Very dependable player. Thanks again.

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My steamID is zomboing2. I'm in a small unnamed town consisting of 1 enterable house, 1 unenterable houes, and a barn that is just south of novy-sobor. My legs are broken I'm at 6000 blood and I need painkillers. I will be hiding inside of the barn please help me someone.

Do you still need help i have the latest patch so i could come help you, plus i'm near novy sobor so it's a +

tell me if you need help!

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