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Dr Wasteland MD

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Need help in Pustoshka,need bandages and a blood transfusion.

Edited by Kyrator

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so where were we ?... ahh ... antibiotics ... sure i have ..can u pay ? got a health insurence ... its very expensive stuff u know :P

contact me any way i offer in my sig

Thanks Aggroschnarre, but +Ben+ was able to help me on the way to another person in need, Thank you for the offer, And thank you +Ben+ for the antibiotics!

You guys rock.

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Hello again medics!

I'm afraid my crossbow has gotten me into another sticky near-miss situation, I've managed to apply a bandage and morphine but I'm still in a bad way and in need of a blood transfusion near Putoshka.

I can supply the blood-bag for myself, and I have a spare which I'll gladly donate for the next survivor in need.

If anyone is able to help please add me on Steam (MercianUK) and we can discuss server and arrange a grid for the RV.


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Thank you for the food and blood Trimethyl. You saved my ass :P

A bag of blood and a freshly killed Boar goes a long way. :)

And after quite a few patients visited today, none of them have turned out to be bastards looking to take "Sharleen" from me.

Now don't get mauled on the way home!

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SoulShaper2 saved my freaking life. I was low on blood, he came by and patched me up. He was friendly and really fast. So +rep for him and I recommend him to all other patients.

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Steam is letting me down :(

I need a blood transfusion if possible, I'm currenty going to "Khelm" from the airport.

My blood level is <3000 any help would be gratefull :)

PS: (If someone want to donate a hunting knife would also be apreciated)

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Steam is letting me down :(

I need a blood transfusion if possible, I'm currenty going to "Khelm" from the airport.

My blood level is <3000 any help would be gratefull :)

PS: (If someone want to donate a hunting knife would also be apreciated)

Check your pm's mate.

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Help me to help you. Still need med help, one blood bag please. Steam Id bfifty_2

I'll try and give you something back <3

that steam id doesnt exist, at least i cant find you, contact me and i'll help

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but I gathered that you gladly would help people who are in trouble then that's my problem: I'm stuck without hydration (water bottle flashing) the general airfield coordinates 048052 (Dayzmap) in the right corner at the entrance so I ask for your help and hope you will accept :/


I just invite you on steam

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but I gathered that you gladly would help people who are in trouble then that's my problem: I'm stuck without hydration (water bottle flashing) the general airfield coordinates 048052 (Dayzmap) in the right corner at the entrance so I ask for your help and hope you will accept :/


I just invite you on steam

i accepted but you seam to have gone offline.. im ready to help and already moving to the NWA contact me on one of the options in my signature to make communication easier

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Need water and bandage, possibly a blood bag. Sitting near the Deer stand on the south side of windy mountain.

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Hey guys. I need some medical assistance. I am in the balota airfield watchtower. I am at 4000 blood and still bleeding. Please, someone help me out.

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i accepted but you seam to have gone offline.. im ready to help and already moving to the NWA contact me on one of the options in my signature to make communication easier

If there's any chance you could give me a hand while you're up in the NW I can also donate a spare full water bottle to pass on to Gandraor.

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hi there,

is anyone helping people on the european servers ?

i´m stuck in a ruin in the SE end of the map, need(also medical!!!) assistance and at least a low-grade weapon. but i can pay, with ammo, binoculars, drinks or other stuff. there are also big-size (up to the alice) bagpacks spawning (and also about 2-3 zeds) so it shouldn´t be a hard job for the gain. i need antibiotics (i guess, my temperature is at 42 and i start shaking without painkillers).

contact me pls in steam schreck1978 or via mail [email protected] the moment i´m logged out but i can be in in 5 mins. ah, and btw i look for a group to join !

thx in advance,


ps : or at least lend me your pistol with one bullet ;) my first attempt that works and i dont want to die by zeds !!!!

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i accepted but you seam to have gone offline.. im ready to help and already moving to the NWA contact me on one of the options in my signature to make communication easier

ok i'm ready and co on steam i wait your instruction

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Currently, I am SW of Cherno with a fully loaded ALICE bag. I've got Anti-biotics (3), blood bags (4), morphine (3), bandages (4), meat (3), a few weapons (watchout banditos!) to protect the stash.

Hey community, now that I've got some loot- I'd like to share. Help me get on the white list!

Steam name: nukelord269

I hang out on Seattle Servers mostly, but it changes.

Let me know if you need medical assistance, I'd like to join the corps!

@Dr. Wasteland, MD: if you need anti-biotics let me know and I'll drop them for you. same with my med supplies. I just started this game about a week ago and could use all the advice possible! I die to bandits more than zed now days.....

P.S. I play from 5 PM CST (USA) to 10 PM CST (USA) generally. More on weekends.

Edit: If you're wondering how I got all my swag, I found it on a dead guy SW of Cherno. Took the loot and promptly hid as I figured bandits did the dirty work and I reaped the reward.

Edited by NukeLord

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Hey, Im just in chernogorsk at the minute and fell off this tall building, i broke a leg and all sorts and in need of some help =/ Here is where i am, hope it helps:


If any of you can help me please reply or send pm :)


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I'm afraid i may unable to help anyone for a while. Just got killed whilst waiting for a patient :( BYe bye nvg's and bizon sd and gps

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Good save by Soulshaper2 on me :) Cheers m8you have my beans...Also went to his next patient with him ... I let the horde of Z's chase me while Soul administered aid... got hit by one Z who would not take the hint I wasn't going to be eaten.. Finally dispatched him as Soul and Rapier were comin to save me yet again lol ... yea for the medics....

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dont know if i found the right browner (there are quite a lot and many seem to use the autoinjectors themselve *g*) but i tried to add you ..-..steam says you were online 8 hours ago....if it doesnt work my details are up on the same page! need help NE of kamyshovo on mountain "rog" (right at top of the mountain in the ruin, have an infection and need medical help)...feel free to add and rescue me :) (i´m on european servers most, dont know if i get a connection to us servers ...i am in austria)

cheers and thx in advance,


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