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Hacker spawned Helicopters, how to remove em ?

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hey guys,

yesterday evening someone hacked a bunch of vehicles (choppers and more) on the server.

i dont know who it was or when exactly it happened.

i know want to know, if after a restart, those cheater vehicles are gone ? how can i make sure that they have not been taken and are still on the map ?

i mean i dont want to face an abrams tank looting NW airport 0o



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I thought vehicles outside of Day Z have been blacklisted by battleye and aren't possible to spawn anymore for cheaters?

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well... in DAYZ the only avaible helicopter should be the UH-1H Huey (and even this one is not avaible atm).

but i clearly saw a UH-1Y (the one with the miniguns and rocket lunchers on the side) parked right in stary next to the big red building. so what can i say ?

Edited by sudden2k

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Easy way? Fly up into the sky and eject from the helicopter. Gravity will take care of the rest...and you get to parachute back down to the ground!

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ok well that solves the problem with the one chopper i have found. but what about the possibly endless numbers of illegal spawned vehicles that i didnt find and maybe other players found and now hide those in their camps ? i dont want those on my server!

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And what do we (admins) search for in the log files to identify the vehicle spawners? All I know is the ammo.sqf and that's it.

Would love to get some more info on this.

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