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A Zombie

this, mean war.

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this is a message to our competition in the server AU1. you had the jump on us and had us bested 5 kills to 1 and achieved taking most of our gear. you will be hunted down, you will be killed and sent back to the stone age

we are already well armed again and our only, our soul, our single objective is to hunt you down and destroy you. you in fact had an opportunity to engage in diplomacy with us, but that is over now.

this is not a rage, but rather a congratulations. its about time we had a challenge.


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why would you do this? now there's gonna be a whole bunch of people that are gonna go on your server trying to find your camp.

we are already well armed again and our only, our soul, our single objective is to hunt you down and destroy you

If I had nothing better to do I would look for your camp as well... might wanna edit the post as to attract less attention. Just trying to help you out buddy

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uh. the camp is already been compromised. we have no camp, we are scattered and reforming ranks. this is just some good ol friendly trash talk. no hostility intended. but sure, come at us.

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lol k, guess the smart bandit will come check in on you guys in a week or two :D hope you guys get your justice in that case ;)

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