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It's mid-evening server time. We sneak away from the Elektro power plant, and my friend (who barely has an hour into DayZ) and I are lamenting the game's glitchiness - an M16 he found (his first real gun ever) in the Power plant fire station had disappeared when we tried to drop-trade it to him. As we near Dobryy (the mountain to the NorthEast of the power plant) he tells me that he's a bit tired and is going to go do something else before bed. I tell him that I plan to stay on and head back to our tents up north. After climbing the mountain for a bit, I decide to check out the gas station, maybe I'd get lucky with some kind of vehicle-part spawn. Nothing there, may as well start on my long journey back.


I freeze, my pulse races. How could anyone have sneaked up on me, I made sure to check all approaches before moving down the hill with my DMR. I start to accept that I'm going to lose my favorite gun of all time, but first I look around - the sounds were very faint. Suddenly I hear another voice.

"OK, please don't shoot me, I only just started playing a few hours ago and I don't have anything good yet."

In a perhaps inappropriate reaction, my mood soars for a brief moment. It's not ME they're after! I can keep my DMR and sneak away undetected! I peek around the wall behind me, and lo-and-behold, there's three players on the other side, completely unaware of my presence. After a second, however, my heart goes to my throat. This poor kid who, according to him, just started playing is getting held up by these two guys with shotguns. Normally I'm used to the whole "shoot on sight"-thing, so this was at least a little better than that I suppose. I've heard stories about this kind of hold-up from days long-past in DayZ, but it took me only a second to realize that I had to do something. The first voice cuts my rushing thoughts.

"Just come with us and you'll be ok, we just need you to go first with a hatchet into Elektro incase there's anyone else there."

I'm a bit confused now - these guys are actually going to try to use this newbie as bait. The newbie agrees (props to him for not just disconnecting and seeing where this goes. Maybe he was as interested as I was - this was actually pretty cool.) and begins walking in front of the other two.

I want to see how this unfolds, but I'm too exposed here. If the other two look around a bit more, they could easily see me. I decide to make a break for it, and manage to get back to the mountain while keeping an eye on the events behind me. They really hadn't shot him yet, and were walking towards elektro. As I reach high up on the mountain, I notice that I can barely see the three of them against the fog (damn new patches...) even though I have my visual range set to 3k. I hunker down in a bush, and track them through my DMR's scope.

Fully zoomed, they're about 2.75-2.5 millidots. After spending about an hour and a half in the "Shooting Range" training map earlier today, I figure that to be about 675 meters, I don't usually play on Veteran servers, so I was hoping that my calculations were correct. I would have killed for a Range Finder right about now.

After a short period, a zombie aggros on the two of them from the side. They kill it, but the newbie takes the chance to break for it! My heart races as I hope against the odds that he might be able to escape, but it's over as quickly as it started. The two of them turn, and each fire a few shots, and the message appears in the bottom left *______ was killed* (not posting name for privacy reasons, not sure if he'd like me telling this story).

They stand up, go over and kneel beside him, checking him for loot. I knew I should have acted sooner. My own curiosity just cost this poor kid several hours work. I decide that if I couldn't protect this kid, at least I'll avenge him. I reload my DMR for some reason, maybe I was just jumpy, and panic because I lose sight of the two. I zoom in, and hold my breath hoping to pick them up again.

Yes! They're still by his body, finishing off a few zombies that must have taken the roundabout path after they aggro'd. One stands up, and looks in my direction. I know there's no way he can see me, but it feels like I was looking straight into his eyes.

I tense, and adjust my aim one last time. *CRACK*. It seems to take an eternity, but it must have been no more than a few moments. I see blood appear on the left side of his chest. My aim's already reset but he turns and sprints, his friend close on his heels. Oddly, I find myself thinking "They should be splitting up." I've never taken a moving shot from this far, and I hope against hope that it'll find it's mark. I practiced moving shots up to 500m in the Shooting Range, but this is another quarter again as far.

*CRACK*.......delay........blood. From his mid-side. One falls, and I get my first murder.

I adjust my aim, they must have no idea where I am. They could have just ran around the side of the hill, but instead were running towards the coast. *CRACK*....a miss, his friend changed direction at what seemed like the perfect time. *CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK* Three more shots in rapid succession, one finds their mark in his legs - he's sent sprawling. I relax, and line up the shot to kill him, and he vanished. Damn disconnects. I slowly make my way down to check the bodies, and after a minute or so I arrive at the poor newbie that I couldn't save, that I effectively killed by not taking the two bandits out sooner. He's got nothing left, they obviously stripped the body clean. I check each of my kills, surprised at how far I had to sneak to reach them. Not much of any worth, but on the one that died I find what appears to be the newbies crossbow, a few medical supplies and food. I take what I can use, and hide the body. As I head back into the hills, I think about what happened. I should feel happy for making those shots, I'd practiced for hours and it paid off. But I feel nothing but regret that I didn't act sooner to help the newbie. I don't even think about the blood of the two (well one, and one DC that should die.) that I myself killed, but the poor newbie who I couldn't save. Here's to you kid, sorry that I didn't act sooner, and hopefully you get a good respawn point.

Edited by Dagyr
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Too bad you didnt start popping shots after the commotion because that would really have made the guys day, and you never know it could be your next ally. I hope to have a secret guardian angel someday, or just possibly meet someone that i dont feel im going to die to...

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Too bad you didnt start popping shots after the commotion because that would really have made the guys day, and you never know it could be your next ally. I hope to have a secret guardian angel someday, or just possibly meet someone that i dont feel im going to die to...

I know, I wish I could go back and switch out my DMR for the m14 in my pack and just take them out within a few seconds of spotting them. I was half hoping they would be telling the truth and would just let him go, but I know that I just got too curious.

I typically won't shoot on sight if I don't feel threatened. I almost always will, however, if I'm with a friend and you aim or move towards us. I don't care as much if I die, but it's a thousand times worse if a friend dies and I live.

Edited by Dagyr

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Too bad you didnt start popping shots after the commotion because that would really have made the guys day, and you never know it could be your next ally. I hope to have a secret guardian angel someday, or just possibly meet someone that i dont feel im going to die to...

If you're interested in teaming up, just send me a pm.

Edit: F**k, double post.

Edited by Dagyr

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Your curiosity stopped an intervention, but at least you got two bandits off Chernarus. You saved 10 other lives killing the two bandits, remember that.

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Your curiosity stopped an intervention, but at least you got two bandits off Chernarus. You saved 10 other lives killing the two bandits, remember that.

I know. Hopefully I set the two of them back several hours, maybe even made them a bit scared of doing something like that in the future.

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Who knows?

Anyway, I sent you a PM about grouping up.

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