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20 Second Abort wait.

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As the titles implies. A 20 second abort wait could help with serverhopping/deathdodging.

And maybe perma-keybinding ALTF4 to suicide before exiting, lol.

Maybe exiting the game though ALTF4 too many times in a days starts to add 5 minute ban that keep increasing the more you do it.

I know you have a mechanic to to be placed in to stop server hopping, but I don't know if anyone ever thought of the 20 second delay. ( I'm sure someone has though.)


EDIT: Oh, and disabling Abort while unconscious/ 1-2 minutes after taking dmg from zombie/player.

Edited by Fragaholik
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You know this is the only decent suggestion that someone has made for DC ing the rest were like wait 2 minutes, or sleep.

so heres beans ! :D

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I agree,

That 5 min shock wait thing has gotten me killed due to bugs more than anything, being bugged and unable to bandage etc.

tbh I have no idea why we don't have a log out timer, that hurts people who want to abuse it than a log in timer that just hurts everybody.

also I don't think Alt+F4 works anymore but I may be wrong, try it.

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Use the freakin search bar.. It has been suggested many times.

You're right, I apologize.

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maybe when the game is more stable, right now i know alt f4ing will save from the heli glitch if that still is there.

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I used to be 100% supportive of an idea like this.

Now alt-F4ing is my only defense against players using God Mode hacks, so I'm now conflicted on this matter.

Edited by deathTouch

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Rocket has actually tried to implement this on several patches but to date it has never worked. All it did was bug other parts of the game.

I think its the number one priority right now, even the test patch you can download is about this.

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