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My Second Adventure

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So after the 6 hour fiasco that was my first adventure I decided to give the game one more shot tonight. I found an online map and joined a low population server and happened to spawn just outside of elektro. It was very dark and raining so I turned the gamma up and crawled into town. By the time I got to the church I was apparently dying of hypothermia. Got a few items. Went to the market found some more stuff and a 1911. Went to the fire station got even more loot and SCORE found an Enfield rifle. I was still dying of hypothermia so I headed to the hospital and entered after shooting out the window. While I was looting I was taking one each of everything I found in an attempt to stop dying of cold. Even the heating pack didn't help. Finally stopped losing health at about 6k blood. Some guy was in the area tossing road flares around town so I crawled out towards the south and then headed along the coast. I was pretty happy so far. Had plenty of food and pop. Two weapons and more ammo than I'd probably ever need for each. Some blood I couldn't use, binocs, watch, ALICE pack, bandages, syringes. I was loaded.

As I headed up the eastern coast I noticed a small island off shore and decided to go investigate. I got into the water and noticed my backpack disappear but didn't think anything of it. Upon reaching the island I pulled out my pistol even though I had entered the water with my rifle. Check my inventory and what do ya know! All I had was my pistol, 7 mags, and a bandage. My rifle, everything in my main inventory, and my backpack and everything inside of it was magically removed from my person.

So basically if I don't get fucked by some dickhead with a KOS policy I will get fucked by this piece of shit game. Yeah no thanks. I'll go back to the great games I already have like ARMA, WoT, Skyrim, Iron Front. You know, games that have lots of bugs but at least you don't spend hours doing nothing but crawling through a town that is pitch black. Games where you can actually shoot back. Games where everything you own isn't taken from you for taking a short swim. Fuck this piece of shit game.

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Maybe you should hop on servers when it it's night in their area then? That's just how the game works, it's your fault you picked that server.

Swimming issue, that's intended, part of the ARMA II engine. Just look here http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Known_Bugs

"Swimming causes you to lose some or all of your inventory

ARMA2 Feature, items fall to bottom of water and can be re-obtained. Server admins may disable that"

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Aww, I got fucked by a bug in an alpha. Let's cry about it.

I did. I think the best part about all of you dickless cunts in this forum (indeed most forums) is that you act like you have never been angry once in your life about the same shit that I am bitching about. You're not any better than anyone else and are no less prone to getting mad over something that shouldn't have happened so quit acting like your shit doesn't smell like shit just like everyone elses you punk bitch.

And now I can't even play because that shitty six updater program that uses 200mb of memory just ninja updated the game. Yay

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I did. I think the best part about all of you dickless cunts in this forum (indeed most forums) is that you act like you have never been angry once in your life about the same shit that I am bitching about. You're not any better than anyone else and are no less prone to getting mad over something that shouldn't have happened so quit acting like your shit doesn't smell like shit just like everyone elses you punk bitch.

And now I can't even play because that shitty six updater program that uses 200mb of memory just ninja updated the game. Yay

lol No, I don't get mad because I realize this is an alpha game and shouldn't get attached to my gear/character. I also did my research on this game before even buying ARMA II, knowing full well there is lots of crawling through towns and running through forests, and that there are plenty of hostle players to avoid. The lack of gun at the start did suprize me, since all videos I had seen talked about starting with Makarov, but I accepted it and adjusted, as you should in a survival situation.

As for the update, welcome to PC Gaming.

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lol No, I don't get mad because I realize this is an alpha game and shouldn't get attached to my gear/character. I also did my research on this game before even buying ARMA II, knowing full well there is lots of crawling through towns and running through forests, and that there are plenty of hostle players to avoid. The lack of gun at the start did suprize me, since all videos I had seen talked about starting with Makarov, but I accepted it and adjusted, as you should in a survival situation.

As for the update, welcome to PC Gaming.

Yeah you get mad. And I'm not attached to anything in the game. I am attached to my free time and prefer to spend it having fun. I did research on the game or I guess you must have missed that part in the story. Unlike you, I bought ARMAII for ARMAII. I own every single game in the series since getting OFP the day it was released. Welcome to PC gaming? Son I was building PCs back before you were weened. This isn't kiddie console shit. In the PC world we are given CHOICE. Ninja updates are unacceptable, this whole game is unacceptable, and your existence is unacceptable. Rant over and I'm done with you, done with this shitty game, and done with these shitty forums. Don't bother responding because it won't be read. Nigger.

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Yeah you get mad. And I'm not attached to anything in the game. I am attached to my free time and prefer to spend it having fun. I did research on the game or I guess you must have missed that part in the story. Unlike you, I bought ARMAII for ARMAII. I own every single game in the series since getting OFP the day it was released. Welcome to PC gaming? Son I was building PCs back before you were weened. This isn't kiddie console shit. In the PC world we are given CHOICE. Ninja updates are unacceptable, this whole game is unacceptable, and your existence is unacceptable. Rant over and I'm done with you, done with this shitty game, and done with these shitty forums. Don't bother responding because it won't be read. Nigger.

XD Thanks for the laugh mate. The game probably wasn't for you anyways, which is fine, it caters to a specific group. Have fun with what you will do with your precious spare time, good luck in all your future endvours. Although, I probably won't see you alive in the event of a disaster, shame for that.

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Yeah, as stated, that's not even a bug. You got fucked my a normal, intended mechanic of gameplay. Do you cry when someone uses a legit gun to legit shoot you after you legit ran through cherno.... well, yes, by the sounds of it, you probably do.

Also, don't use sixupdater ffs, manual install is like a 8 step process and takes 5 mins. If you've been building pc's since before jesus was born, why didn't you just install the goddamn thing yourself.

Yes, we are given choice, you used it to be a fucking douchebag. unfortunate, but true. also, don't reply, because you said you wouldn't read it.

If you do somehow reply, I WILL read it, because tears taste good for breakfast :)

Edited by KennyNZ

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It's just hilarious how clueless this guy is, that or he's trying so hard to piss people off. I went and read through his "first adventure", people said to go North, get off the coast, etc., he aknowledges it, and what does he do his next playthough? Swims to an island! Also the fact that he's a hardcore ARMA player, but didn't know about the swimming thing. And as mentioned, didn't just manually install the game himself, since he's computer god.

Good laugh to end the night on, lemme tell ya.

Edited by HerrJon

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Makes me laugh.

What do you expect? If you have played amara II ,like you have claimed, you would be somewhat aware of the game play.

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