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EU4 Day/Night Cycle Tampering

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Just wanted to give the dev team a heads up that the EU4 server I just came from (my time in the UK is currently 3:48am) appears to be tampering with the games day/night cycle as it was the middle of the day there (Looked midafternoon but I didnt have an ingame watch to check). On a seperate note (but possibly related) a hacker may have been active on that server, upon spawning into the game I see a player with his back to me about 100 metres away, I snuck up on him and shot him in the back about 5 times and point blank range, he turned around on the spot and killed me with one pistol shot. The reason I say this could be related is that I recall an earlier post by Rocket saying that most of the hacking they were seeing was coming from the server hosts themselves, im not accusing the host of this however as I failed to check the players name before opening fire. I just felt it was worth mentioning given the tampering of the day/night cycle already currently present here.

I normally wouldnt report this kind of thing as its percieved as hurting no one and frankly not my job to police it but from what I've read it can cause serveral game related problems that effect all the players on the server.

P.S if it is discovered that I was slain by a hacker or dishonest admin, will there be a way for me to reclaim my lost items? Not a huge deal if I cant but its just a little depressing to lose your things to someone who clearly isnt playing by the same rules as you. On a final note I would like to rule lag out as an issue as my ping for that server was roughly 35-40 ms at time of joining. Would just like to finish by saying im not accusing the server host of anything beyond the day/night issue. I just mention the hacker issue as it happened on the same server within the space of 5 minutes.

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Servers run at realtime but some are reverse night/day so people who mainly play at night don't always have to play in the dark.

Also the other thing sounds like desync and not hacking.

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Heya, I'm the EU4 admin, thought I'd clear a few things up.

The server used to be permanent day, but the method we used (Changing the server's clock while DayZ was down), had nothing to do with the aforementioned hacks that are causing rocket server problems. We cleared that up with him separately, and hopefully he's alright with us now.

We now run a few hours out of sync with real time, which is perfectly allowed by the rules and won't break anything. The server time is just saying we're in America, while the server is in Europe. This is just because me and my clan tend to only be able to play in the evening/at night, and don't really enjoy the play during night time. This just keeps us from bogging down US servers and messing things up with our poor pings.

I'll agree with SixPackAbs when he says the other thing is likely desync, exactly the same thing has happened to me, strangely enough, just with zombies instead of another survivor! Desync isn't always lag related, the server consumes a lot of bandwidth, especially with the rampant connection spamming that goes on, and that can sometimes be an issue.

Hope you haven't been put off too much and consider coming back to us, and if you have any more issues please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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Ah my mistake then sorry for that! Like I said I wouldnt have even brought it up but when I thought the guy might have been hacking, since he seemed to have God Mode enabled or something....I guess I put two and two together and jumped to the wrong conclusion, I should have asked in side chat before assuming! Thats for the invite back and glad to hear were allowed to have UK servers with different time zones enabled since I usually like to play pretty late myself so its nice to know theres an option to play in daylight during the evenings here in the UK without having to log a US server with a higher ping than id like :)

P.S Feel free to take this thread down, I dont want to give people the wrong impression of this guys server with the title.

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