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Hacker on US 6451

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What happened:

There were 5 of us at North-West Airfield, we had one spotter who saw 2 Heli Crash Sites on the runway basically 20-30m apart. We were all in close proximity to the NWAF so the other 4 headed over to sus it out, kill whatever we had to, loot and then get out of there to head back down South. We spotted a guy in the Control Tower who was 739m from my position, I zeroed my M107 .50cal to 700m and put the cross-hair on his head to account for the bullet drop. Let fly 2 shots, both appeared to have gone right through him. Assuming I missed, I watched him go down stairs then run past the Fire Station, 10 minutes later he was at my position and shot me in the back - fair enough, would have been an easy flank.etc however I was sitting in a bush and it wouldnt have been exactly easy for him to see me from 700m+ away and pin-point my location, but he did and I assumed he was lucky.

The other 4 attempted to find my body - by the time they got there he was gone and so was my .50 obviously ;) 15mins later 3 of our 4 zoned in on the Fire Station, the same guy who killed me walks in firing. All 3 of them turn around and one unloaded a whole clip of MP5 SD rounds into him. No bleeding or anything occured to him, he then proceeded to kill all 3 of our guys who were in the same area. So two seperate people put a large amount of damage on him without him taking any damage what so ever, no broken legs, no death, not even bleeding. Just a bit odd and seems he was using the invincibility hack and possibly other hacks to find the location of other survivors.


US 6451


~6pm (GMT +10)

Server time - unsure, however it was day time, I can find out if necessary.

Player Name:


Edited by SONiQ

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