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Learned a new Tactic

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while playing DayZ for a bit. i have just learned a new tactic that can get you hidden from zombies if they're chaseing you

dont freak out. you can solve it with this handy trick

step 1.if you are being chased by zombies. be sure all of them are directly behind you. otherwise zombies all around you will see where you hide. and it doesnt matter how many there are chasing you

step 2.once you have them all chasing you fro behind. search for a hiding spot. these hiding spots has to be areas where both your hearing and your sight meter has to be completely empty. meaning its at level 0

step 3.when you find one. turn around at a corner to break the sight of the zombies chasing you and imediately prone down into your hiding spot by pressing the Z key and stay PERFECTLY STILL this is very important that you MUST stay still otherwise the movement will attract the horde and they will know where you are

step 4.once you are perfectly concealed in your hiding spot. you will notice the zombies will approach you right up to your face. DO NOT FREAK OUT this is normal and they cannot see you. if you move they will attack you and you will be dead. they will come right up to you. if they attack you, you've done it wrong and you may have to repeat steps 1 2 and 3 if not. then you have done is correctly. now all you have to do is wait and they will go away so you can continue on

feel free to leave any suggestions if you wish

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I suggest being stealthier so you don't have to try and hide!

Or, simply moving into a building and exiting from another point. Same thing, with much lower risk.

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Yea the going into a building and exiting by a different door usually works for me. Also sometimes just breaking the line of sight by turning corners in a city is enough although you run the risk of running into more zombies in the city. Losing them in the forest takes the longest since if you don't have very good tree coverage they just keep seeing you.

They are all the same idea. Break the line of sight and then don't let them see/hear you again.

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Heres another trick. Run to the next steep hill. You will slow down walking up, but the zombies slow down even more. Very easy to loose as many zombies as you want this way. In cities I prefer to run in buildings with a second door to exit. I recommend to experiment with these tactics after your next respawn in a big town when you have nothing to loose. just run through attract zombies and see how long you can survive, you will be surprised how long you can and how much zombies you can get lost of without a single shot.

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Nice to know, I'll give it a try! :D

Also to "WilkyWilks":

My brother told me it's a waste of time taking your time being stealth all the time. I still do it, but you really are better off to run into a building where the zombies start to walk, and usually if there are 5 zombies chasing you, sometimes only 2 or so will actually be following you still. I have fun doing both stealth and run, but it can be better to just run since you will probably be dead some time soon. Don't want to get to attached to you character.

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My brother told me it's a waste of time taking your time being stealth all the time. I still do it, but you really are better off to run into a building where the zombies start to walk, and usually if there are 5 zombies chasing you, sometimes only 2 or so will actually be following you still. I have fun doing both stealth and run, but it can be better to just run since you will probably be dead some time soon. Don't want to get to attached to you character.

Well thats true for zombies. If you get better at this game you learn that zombies are no threat. The problem are other players. And what attracts other players? Running, making noise, a horde of Zombies following you and of course shooting. So dont be stealthy because of the zombies, be stealthy because of other players.

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Well thats true for zombies. If you get better at this game you learn that zombies are no threat. The problem are other players. And what attracts other players? Running, making noise, a horde of Zombies following you and of course shooting. So dont be stealthy because of the zombies, be stealthy because of other players.

Very good point!

Maybe just gather some supplies in a lower player count server and then have a gun on you for those sticky situations.

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