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Saving Vehicles?

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So I have a vehicle and before I get on it there's an option to "save vehicle."

I don't know what that does, although I've heard people say that this lets you cross the vehicle over to different servers.

Is this true?

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u need to save ur vehicle sp it will not dissapear and respawn on server restart. If u won't save it, after restart u won't have it

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you cannot take vehicles or deployed tents server hopping

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The function of the "Saving" with vehicles and tents is to provide the hive server with the data about where exactly that object is, along with its inventory. Due to the cost of having this information constantly being uploaded on the servers, it's set up for players to manually perform it when they have their object placed where they want. (i.e. hiding a vehicle, exit and save.)

You currently cannot transfer tents or vehicles cross server.

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It's ok I got my information. If you want to close this thread then that's fine with me.

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Hmmm this is a very strange mechanic. Why wouldn't vehicles be saved to the character the same way your inventory is? I think the developers need to make it like that if possible.

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