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couple of hours in..

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Hi I been playing a couple of hours with a friend of mine, we have no hopes of ever finding each other still :) but dont want to respawn or anything like that.

anyway, my question is, am I pretty much dead if i broke a leg? I been traveling alot but its been getting tougher and luckily have only found dead players and have not been found myself...ive killed like 10 zombies that i got to close to...i heard theirs morphine that would help? I just want to make sure thats what i should be looking for. This game is awesome btw. we have both died once and thats how we lost each other :) and, is their a way to get maps? btw we use ventrilo if u guys bored and want to play on some us server with us...we usually kill on site if they have a weapon atm, we tried helping 1 guy but he shot my friend, i shot him, and then i got shot by 2 others ;P.

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Yeah, morphine "fixes" broken bones. They are scattered in differently places, but a hospital is your best bet, you can also grab some bloodbags for you and your buddies.


This is the best map imo. Shows you where all the loot is and what not, and of course has town names, elevations, all that good stuff. Just pay attention to when you log in and it tells you where you are, from there just use the map, find a good mid point, and meet up.

Edited by HerrJon

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Sounds like you've had a really good gameplay experience. Morphine can be found in deer stands and hospitals. Hospitals can be found in Berezino (north-east), Chernogorsk (south), and Elektrozavodsk (south-east). Hospitals have glass windows which can be broken with throwables or gunfire. Maps are found most commonly in supermarkets and residential areas. Supermarkets also have a glass front, but also have a back section and look like...supermarkets. You can also use an online map but some people feel it ruins the immersion. Good luck with your future survival. Happy hunting.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 5:33 AM, HerrJon said:

Yeah, morphine "fixes" broken bones. They are scattered in differently places, but a hospital is your best bet, you can also grab some bloodbags for you and your buddies.


This is the best map imo. Shows you where all the loot is and what not, and of course has town names, elevations, all that good stuff. Just pay attention to when you log in and it tells you where you are, from there just use the map, find a good mid point, and meet up.

On second thought, be exceptionally careful when in a city area. There are tons of zombies and plenty of other players. Your best bet is always sneaking and never being in the open when approaching hospitals. If you want any chance of surviving with your buddy for very long, get bare survival essentials and head into the hills.

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Avoid the front of a hospital and go to the back.

There is usually a small box of supplies at ground level plus a ladder up to the roof where you can access another box of meds.

You have to break the glass to get at the supplies at the front of the building and that alerts zeds and bandits.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 5:55 AM, Matchew said:

On second thought, be exceptionally careful when in a city area. There are tons of zombies and plenty of other players. Your best bet is always sneaking and never being in the open when approaching hospitals. If you want any chance of surviving with your buddy for very long, get bare survival essentials and head into the hills.

Didn't mean "best bet" as in safest choice, moreso highest probability. I'd still recommend doing a Cherno run if you spawn South or Berezino run if you spawn East, just to get food, drinks, and medical stuff. Guns are easy to find up North, blood bags, not so much.

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Crawled around for about 2 hours the other night after receiving a broken leg thanx to a zed. Decided to suicide because I couldn't find morphine in Stary or anywhere nearby. As a result after finding 5 morpine at a heli crash I've decided to stockpile the stuff. I've have now learnt my lesson after having to respawn 3 times recently because of broken bones.

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well suiciding would be easy but i think i rather stick it out, since im on the ground i dont alert zombies when their feet away...

actually i had to go into a shed that i saw supplies in, their was a zombie their ( no gun ) and i literally was under his butt cheeks grabbin some soda and bandages, he was faced the other way crouched position and i thought he was gona kill me, but i said if id ont get these supplies i may die anyway lol, but he never turned around. Then one got on me as i turned a corner but the supplies included a gun and i shot him in between his souless eyes.

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