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Finding Handcuffs in Fire Stations or Military areas being very rare would be an awesome idea. It will make the game more realistic.

A player will have to do the surrender emote to be HandCuffed.

There is a chance you can break the handcuffs but small chance but not so small. (Incase of handcuffer logging out or killed.)

In other words this would improve robberies,hostages,slaves etc.


As many of you know and seen this Mod is suppose to be very hard and items must be gotten by risking. Not by standing in a hotspot and switching servers while getting them items, this will lower the play time of yourself and will make you more bored.

Well a great solution to this would be every time you log-in you wouldn't be able to see loot for three minutes or more. No one would wait an amount of 5 minutes just for a loot while having a chance to be shot in the face by a sniper.

Edited by ChinWooMan

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