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It is a way to keep track of them.

If you do not like the dog tag idea, then so be it.

Why must dogtag? You can using passport or driving licence.

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I like the idea of a journal or even the dogtags, maybe a way you have to view it so its not always onscreen. I know i saw a clip with rocket saying he wanted to remove the hud so this would do it. I also love the idea of a journal you could update as you play and imagine finding someones journal after you kill them and realise they were a friendly who helped others, how much of a douche would you feel ( well most bandits/players wouldnt care )

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+1 good idea.

Even if you represented it as an ID, it would still give the basic stats of the person you killed.

ID is realistic, even the most hardcore have to admit.

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Loving this idea, makes the thrill of coming out of your hide to get the details/ID/dog tags of the person you just shot/chopped.

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This is a amazing idea but maybe if it was in like a journal, what maybe you could write notes in or stories for other players to read!

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I kind of have a lot of fun in trying to guess what kind of person they were before I put a bullet at the back of their heads. Half the fun is the mystery.

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Love the idea!! What about a list of people he helped like morphene and stuff..??

And you could always prevent bandits from picking up these if you want, but I think it would be pretty cool....

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Love the idea. As for "Why dogtags"? Why not? It isn't a stretch to say that our characters are military people; they know how to effectively use military weapons (knowing how to use a weapon effectively is far different than just pointing a gun at someone and pulling a trigger) equipment (nvgs, rangefinders, entrenching tools ect) and vehicles, know advanced combat first aid, how to properly combat crawl (it's harder than it looks), just to name a few of the things our characters innately know how to do that a normal civilian would not.

Besides, its just a mechanic that works and fits the setting.

As for this encouraging more pvp.... people will be bandits and engage in pvp regardless. This will do nothing to make it more rampant, nor will it discourage pvp. So in that sense it is a perfect mechanic in that it is neutral.


Number of hours alive in game (or days alive even though that is much less reliable)

Date killed

Zombie kills


Bandit Kills

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I like the idea, but you're a survivor, not a soldier.

Maybe add a wallet option where you can see their ID that tells those things

Well I am a civilian and I have dog tags,

What if you did not have a wallet *hint Apocalypse*

Not dissing you or anything but, Dog tags can be melted and made on your own.

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Actually, that is a REALLY sweet idea :D

When you loot the body, you might find a guy with like 13 murders.

or you might find a guy with 0.

A nice reflection to see whether your choice to KoS was worth it

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