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Two US 865's? Now only one and I'm sad.

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For days now I've been playing on US 865 hosted by SIC PWNage. In fact, there were two of these on the list with identical names, but different ping times for me. The one I had been playing on and had a tent full of stuff on is now not there. Does anyone know if the name was changed? If it is only a restart, do tents survive that?

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As far as I see there has only ever been one US 865. Tents survive restarts as long as you save them in the scroll wheel options. If you do not save them on a regular basis, they will vanish.

Tents that are unused for x amount of time are also automatically removed from the database.

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There were definitely two on my list, the different between them was the time of day on the server. So strange, just my luck to pick a server for a home that never existed :facepalm:

Joined the one that is still on the list and no tent full of sweet sweet loot :beans:

Are there any logs I can check that would contain an IP address of servers i've logged into?

Edited by Sibexus

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Weird, when I looked at the arma 2 online server list I only saw one. http://arma2.swec.se/server/list. Search for US 865 in states waiting, playing, and down. All the 865 entries are the same server, just launched on a different port.

My guess as to why there are multiple entries is that the server started over itself and the ports weren't free, so it launched on another port.

And unfortunately I don't believe there is a way to "retrace your steps." :(

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Strange that for almost a week there were two on the list at the same time with different ping and different GMT-# in the server names. Whatever was the case, it's most unfortunate. I spent many hours setting up camp and raiding, collecting, etc... most unfortunate indeed. And more, the tent had my "good stuff" while I went back into cherno for a vehicle parts run. I suppose it's time to find a new home, and actually investigate the server more before deciding to make it long term. Thanks for the response. Now what to do with all these car parts and no weapon :unsure:

Edited by Sibexus

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Good luck in finding a new home. I'd suggest finding servers with good pings for you and crosschecking their names on the forums. See if they have an active presence here, or a place you can contact an admin when things go wrong.

We're all prone it having hiccups unfortunately. Thems the breaks with an alpha. But I know quite a number of admins try to follow best practices to keep things on the level.

Edited by HowIChrgeLazer
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Basically what HowI said. Research before you call it home. With the immediate popularity of the mod, there are to be tons of "1 and done" servers out there. Meaning they rent for a month and cancel.

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