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What kind of maps do you want to see in the full game?

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I love Cherno, just need more building we can enter! So sad when I spot a lonely house in the hills but cant set up camp :(

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would be intresting to play it on takistan, or namalsk if it was bigger...but i love Chernaus and that place doesnt get half the attention as it should since the release of OA

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A proper city would be great to play in. However at the moment I would settle for more enterable buildings in Chern.

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So let's pretend the game is getting funded to be developed.

What kind of map (or maps) do you guys wanna see? Bigger maps? Smaller maps? More open maps? Less open? More towns? Etc...

Me' date=' I want to see more focus on urban maps. Maybe even have like a huge map (maybe half size of the Chernorus map) and it being a big city, with suburbs and the city outskirts. So like the city outskirts would have some farms, barns, etc, and this is where players would spawn and they could find some poor equipment here and not a lot of zombies. Then they would move further into the city, into the suburbs where they'll mostly see residential areas, some malls maybe, to gear up a bit and more zombies would be there. Then in the centre of the city this is where the best loot would be, but also have the most amount of zombies (and bandits).

What about you guys?


Look in the suggestion forum, i wrote something about urban maps:


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