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SE 9 - Helicopter and weaponspawning.

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Hello there. Me and a couple of friends played on SE 9, we were on NW airfield doing some recon when we hear a chopper.

What follows is a long period of me spotting for my snipers. The heli flew over the firestation and dropped one person off. This persons name was Danto.

He died from the fall as he had to jump out because the pilot was taking heavy sniper fire. (However, it's not possible to penetrate the window of a chopper, even with an AS50.

After this the heli flew away and turned back. He started to slowly descend and turned just enough for our snipers to get a clear shot through the side of the chopper and into the pilots head, and then he was dead. However, we hid this body before we could check his name, just out of pure habit.

He had an AS-50 AWS on him, ie. hacked in weapon.

This occured around 2 am, GMT+2, we've tried to blow it up but it takes a hell of alot of 50 cal shots to even slightly damage it.. We've focused on the rotor, the nose (Ie dashboard) and the back of the chopper (engine)

Names we recollect:

Philip (might be an innocent who went there out of curiosity, we didn't stop to ask. He's dead.)

Danto (Died from the fall from the chopper, or a shot from one of us. Not sure if he just broke his leg and was finished by my snipers or if he died from the fall)

Aliens (He tried to change map on multiple times, of what i've read this is how the program/hack connects to the server in a "legit" way to spawn in stuff.)

Then more and more people were attracted by the chopper and some more people fell dead.. and later, i joined them in the great halls of valhalla when i was pushed into close quarters combat with an l85.. to take out a few guys in the industrial.. shack. As my snipers couldn't get clear shots but pinned them down.

Thing is, when i got there, they had moved. I'm still not sure if i did from trying to climb the stairs, or if one of them snuck up behind me..

We've seen a high rise of hackers these last 2 days. Mainly suspected ESP-hackers, who also seemed to ghost. Atleast chose one way to be a fucktard.

Edited by Juggernut

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