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Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.

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RANGERS cannot damage survivors. Duh. NO where did I say survivors cant damage survivors.

I swear people are so thick, they only hear what they want to hear.


Dude, your idea has fail written all over it, "rangers" they can't damage survivors?, and what if a survivor shoots at them? they are screwed as they cannot shoot back, Scrap your idea its crap, wont work, and would ruin the PVP part of the game, and also think about how thick your being before you insult someone idiot.

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Also "Hydrocodone", do you play and enjoy the COD game series, and think they require skill to play? It would explain loads of things about you to me.

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I like the idea of bases , and yes maybe a base at a airport , where a base is a safe haven for players , but can be controlled by groups of players , but i think more of missions to maintain this base , as a base takes energy or some type of element , IE completing mission , like for instances in a town there would one zombie he could of been the top doctor for that town , he could be dress in white as doctors are , the idea would be to heal that zombie with a vile or antidote and bring him or her back to the base safely , viles or antidotes can only be made at bases and can only be made after some resources are collected and also it takes some time to make , say maybe 1 to 2 hours , when you have completed a mission you get a prize at a base say for instance a car , i also think on each map only so many vehicles should be allowed on the map at any one time ...

Mission shouldn't be easy , you could be looking for a zombie within a town or the surrounding areas , or it could be a unarmed civilian , who would be hiding in a house or something like that , so also the aspect of searching for your goal may take some time , and also being able to bring your mission back to base , if a mission isn't completed for some time , IE 1 day then the base you are at will be overrun by zombies , they will keep coming until you run out of ammo , but other than that zombies rarely go near bases , the reason would be because of the missions you complete ..

A base should be a place to store items of bring food back too , and yes maybe even to make small amounts of fuel etc but again that depends on missions being completed , i also think there should be only one main base , i also think radios would be good for long range chat , and again batteries for these radio's do not last long and are very hard to come by and maybe when attacked by zombies the first think they break is the radio , also radio's are very hard to find the components to make one , and yes in a base there should be a stand alone radio , to use this you would have to be close to it and select the option and again this radio also needs battery's ...

The idea of mission would give a extra element to the game , and there could be many types of mission , but the main mission is to maintain the base , maybe a bigger map would be good ...

No bases or safe havens..... You must have misunderstood the whole lore of the game, IT'S A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, there would be no "safe havens", you survive its the only thing you can do, safe havens are for games like WarZ, they have them, if you cant handle DayZ then thats the game for you.

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Something I didn't see looking through here is a suggestion for character generation, I was wondering (since its possible to think outside the ArmA II engine) if there was a way to say up load a picture or something to this nature to have it generate what your looks like. Or something similar to say Saints 3rd or Age of Conan where you can choose how big and dumb you look. So if I wanted to be max height and width and tote a SAW around with horribly scarred face. It could happen. I don't think it would be good to add in too short of a model as all the pvP and Min-max'ers would be short skinny folks with AS 50's and such and just be meh. Another thought would be the bigger a person wants to be perhaps the -heavier- the inventory could be. Slots are one thing...weight would be interesting. Perhaps a combination of both as well to keep things from being uber stacked. (As a medic some times I can imagine a bandages not weighting much so it would keep it in check so one person isn't always carrying 50 of them)

These thoughts hit me when I thought about what I'd do if the game was real. Being a big son'va'bitch. Ok I can haul stuff around. Shoulder open doors. I'm not particularly fast but I could be if I was scared (As anyone could)I could carry a person over my shoulder fairly easy. Things such as this might be something to add different size characters as well. Draw backs are obvious it'd be little harder to hide. In a game where bandits are the biggest threat, decently big draw back.

I'm no coder so I don't know how bad any of this would be to put into the game, I'm fairly certain cosmetic stuff wouldn't be much but the hit boxes of the players, etc etc probably not fun. Getting past all that I'd still rather have a way to make myself look how I want.

I'd like to see the terrain to be interacted with again going along with custom characters. Downed trees being able to be dragged along. Combined actions say you satchel charge a group of trees and you only got one big guy in the squad all of them could drag it around. Just quarky little things like that. Ideas like dropping a tree down on a house that has a guy with a SAW in the back corner...things like this would make me un endingly happy. We have hatchets after all and yes I'd do this.

Traps in such a manor would cause greifing yes. Some how I think though it would be expected, perhaps limit the amount of traps one character can create to keep it down.

Hell I went on a babble spree, mostly I'd like to see massively customizable characters. I wanna put scars on. Tattoos. I used Age of Conan as an example because its been the most customizable character creator I've messed around with thus far.

Forgot to add. I'm not a big fan of quests or missions unless they are done right however small random encounters much like the ones or something similar to the ones in say red dead redemption. Where you encounter something you get to make a choice on. As say survivor (NPC or PC is possible) is trapped inside a house. Do you ignore them save them shoot your way in etc etc. Things to just raise or lower your humanity by small amounts with a chance for ammo or something useful. Or a wild NPC bandit, or something simple like a guy willing to trade a pain killer for a bandage or this ammo for that. Yes players are suppose to do this kinda thing but...most are too scared. NPC's that look like players doing this kinda thing might lower the OMFG KOS and anti social folks. Seeing as we could pose as an encounter such as that just as easy. (could even make a fake player name show up on the player list if name tags are on)

Edited by Gavalin
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Some suggestions from me:


-The huey has a hook on the bottom for a cable. You could hook a small vehicle or maybe some ammo crates and lift it.

-System for reppeling from chopper and a winch for lifting. It could be a special rare equipment that has to be added to the chopper.

Ultra light aircraft

A small one/two man aircraft that can land on short improvised airstrips. It wouldn't have much protection but can be used for quick transport across map


Didn't see it in first post but electrical equipment should require power, like nvg, flashlight, laser, rangefinder, radio, gps

Hawk, someone suggested earlier on this post about sea planes, now this would be a much better option, you cant land them on land but they are safer and have a big landing zone, personally i think this would be a better plane, but hey its up to rocket and the DayZ dev team

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Truly random loot. The dayz database map should not show you what type of loot you can get and it's location. If you see military vehicles you could assum you would fine military loot but it shouldn't tell you on the map.

Also as you travel the map should be more detailed in those areas because you have been there and you know.

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I've noticed a few posts suggesting zombies should smell people or track them based on blood. As a concept its not bad but I wouldn't want it in the game. I for one hide from zombies a lot...break a corner and drop to the ground...I've been in the NWAF with 10-14 zombies shambling around my location. Was -thee- most intense situation as I was laying prone 3-4 hoppers around me rest standing. I was able to tap the movement key every like 5 seconds to try to get away. If they could smell...it wouldn't be possible. I agree something should be done about zombies but I still think it should be fairly easy to hide from them. I was watching a heli once too from beside it, friend was lagging behind. So i laid down beside it trying to hide my boots, ghillies FTW, anyway I was ignoring the zombies for the most part when I realized one was sitting on my legs. I about shat. I'd prefer to keep moments like this.

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How I think Day Z should be:

1- Map is a island.

1.1- Map start with all npcs (zombies, humans, animals) that will be on map, at their places. There is no respawn.

2- When a player join the server he start to control one of those npcs (human only), this will be choosed at random, they will start with what the npc have at the moment and in the situation the npc is.

2.1- If the player dies, he will start again (he can't play as a zombie), controlling a new random guy from map.

2.2- If player leave the server ai will continue to control this npc player was controlling.

3- What player have to do is to try to leave the island without being infected.

4- Player can enter houses, drive cars, boats, use guns, eat, drink...

How zombies would be in my idea?

I dont have a specific idea. Fast, slow, fast then after some time slow, science based one... The previous stuff I said is more important than if the zombie will be fast or slow.

So this would be a mix of arma (FPS view, realism..) + gta (amount of stuff to do) + shenmue (detail of stuff).

Edited by exdeath

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I have this idea in a thread however I'd like to post it here as well being that this is the official standalone suggestion thread.

I'd love to see this virus be contagious through attacks by the infected/zombies. Say you have an X% chance of contracting the virus during attacks by the infected. If infected, you would have X amount of time to get antibiotics to stop the virus. The body temperature mechanic can be put to use here. As the virus takes over, you get a fever and your body temperature increases. Maybe some visuals? Dizzyness? Blurred vision? Time until the virus takes over varies a bit so you don't know when you'll turn. Just an idea. Finally without notice you get a "you died" screen pop up.

However it's not over for your group. Your body now turned into a reanimated infected NPC and without notice. Did you even tell your friends that you were running a fever and might be infected? You're reanimated infected body will attack them without notice. They may now also be infected.

Do you trust a group member if he says he hasnt been infected after an attack from an infected or cast him out from the group? Would you tell your group you're infected? They may shoot you in the head for their own safety. Then you lose everything you've worked for with your character. You could suggest looting a hospital "for fun" hoping you'll find antibiotics and avoid the whole situation. They may find your request suspicious though.

This will give your team an extra decision to make. A decision that really drags you into the game. you're making a decision that matters. If you know someones contracted the virus, how long do you wait and scavenge for antibiotics until you put a bullet in their head for your own safety. Maybe you have antibiotics. However you may need them later if you get the virus. Do you give your only bottle of antibiotics up? You just got attacked by a bunch of zombies, is someone infected and not telling you. This adds so much more depth to the game.

Edited by Lights Out

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Cant believe i actually liked the suggestion of the PEN + NOTEBOOK to leave notes everywhere....

Imagine all the epic poetry i cud make to enrich people!!!!!

I wud like to see a taser in the standalone.

All the unconsieus people i cud drag around.....

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How to motivate players to move:

1) Place key points in the corner of the playable map, as far from each other, as possible (most likely the points with major number of respawns

2) Categorize items - make luxury items, which will rapidly increase gameplay, less affordable, with fewer spawn points, and as a sort of a reward - in bunkers, hard to get in locations, protected by large number of enemies (maybe stronger enemies? mutated zombies? like fallout supermutants?) perhaps will need a large group of players to fight massive amount of zombies.

3) Make overally items a less affordable. To prevent, that some player will collect a lots of items and then just log out and never come back, could be solved that way, that player, who is logged out a longer time, will virtually "die." His death will automatically mark his grave by spawning a larger number of zombies, which will then "carry" his loot. Other players, which will kill this group, will get acces to these weapons. This can remove the motivation killer, called automatic spawn - the respawn of items could be less frequent.

4) and finaly - adding something as a GAME GOAL - which doesnt have to entirely mean, that once is achieved, it means finish of the game. There could be some sort of a military station - laboratory, huge underground complex, in the middle of the map - which only a small army of players can achieve to conquer. These groups should be limited - force players to fight over that place against each other. This place would be overcrowded with zombies, the goal would not mean necesarily to "p[ush a button to win a game" - just perhaps there could be variety of sections with ultimate loot - like a good sniper rifle, which right now, is just laying around on some guardtower. Or some unique military suits, another special weapons, tools which allows to repair vehicle. Some spot, to which you need to move around the map a little bit, collect gear, group together and assault. The zombies in there would just keep spawning.

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Hear me out. If the standalone game comes, the servers that are booted up have just experienced the zombie apocalypse and there is plenty of food & drinks laying around, guns still not that common but not uncommon aswell. But the longer the game progresses, the more people need food & drinks and the cans of preserves and bottled water & soda cans are running out, so they need to start hunting & filling empty bottles (of whiskey idk/idc) with water in order to survive. You should be able to repair some water stations or water towers & guard them with your clan/group/community, or haul all the water to your base in big basins or crates. You should start growing your own food aswell, as you would need vitamines which meat from hunted animals don't give, like you need to eat fruit & vegetables aswell (which you grow). Cars & materials can be found at abandoned car shops or car graveyards, should be able to fix water pipes, electricity stations / cables so you can use an old fashioned telephone to call other people's bases. Make big quarantined cities aswell, where you can find dead/zombified military personnel and a crapload of zombies (like a few 1000 in a city) so you can't really run around quickly, but have to sneak even more. I'd also love to see skyscrapers, might be hard to have 50-100 accessable floors, so some might've been 'destroyed' in the chaos and you can't enter them, but it would be great to make a camp on top of one of those!

Anyway, i don't know if most of these ideas would even be possible to create in the standalone game or it might take an immense time to make this happen, or if it would even be playable for the players.

But the more realism, the greater this game!!

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I heard you out, Jepix... ^^ again.

And now some stuff I think hasn't been adressed enough:


The animations, and I do not mean the Zeds. I mean player-side. Why does a player need 5 seconds to fall down after I shoot him in the head with an AS50? Also, why does he/she just randomly fall to the ground...there is some ragdoll-like stuff needed. It is just because it is 2012...we people are so used to details!

Same thing for stairs and cars: Whoever tried to shoot someone going up or down stairs knows what I mean! Slowing down and speeding up at random there...wtf? And the cars, oh, the cars!! Why no animation of the character entering or exiting that vehicle? At least one that would minimze the sudden and random popping in and out of the vehicle. (Also, it would be quite nifty if I didn't die every 2nd time I exited a car in a forest.)

Wouldn't mind this not being on the top of your to-do list, but there it should be nonetheless.


The Standalone can use Chernarus, ok. But with enterable buildings. I know that the loot system needs a complete overhaul in this case (less spawns per house, less stuff spawning, everything more spread out), but it would take way longer and be more thrilling to go around cities. It would make cities harder for survivors (sniper soulc be behind any window) and for snipers (Survivors could hide behind any window) ^^. It would add to the atmosphere if done right, but I trust you guys there.

The HUD! :

People complain about the messed-up HUD, but why would a player get the number of Zeds on the server? Why would he need to know all the details? Just say fuck it, and leave the debug monitor out, but I guess thats what you have in mind for the mod already, haven't you? ;-)

The Statistics-Section/Achievements:

Yes, dayZ should have a "hall of fame" for every player, with data like "longest lifespan", "shortest lifespan", "most zombies killed per life", "least killed ...", "average Zeds killed", average beverage consumed, bullets from primary weapon fired, bullets fired from secondary...and maybe even "achievements" , e.g. for killing a chicken with an axe or similarly obscure stuff. Maybe even # of tents placed...what makes sense, what motivates players. Not a KDR, though...

Medical system:

Painkillers are ok...but Morphine is a really really strong painkiller, too. It should have the same effects therefore, stopping the shaking. It should however, lead to poorer vision (blurred out peripheral sight, sometimes it causes the weirdest things...), but this shouldn't be done via post processing effects (or the post processing effects should not be able to be turned off completely!!) and slower reaction timings, let's say a delay of 50-100ms when pulling the trigger to shoot (thats already immense in a game). It has effects like that in real life. Blood bags should be less abundant. Let players with the appropriate stuff (must be added, then) make their own tranfusions...decreases blood by 2000 in one player, fills maximum with other player, and has a 50% chance to cause a lethal adverse reaction (leading to fast blood loss untiul death) when not tested for a A/B/0 ... And add a splint for broken legs! Morphine just only temporarily fix a leg (say 15 min), and only enable you to walk, not to sprint. The splint could be "level-one" (selfmade, your leg is fixed but you cannot run still, the symbol changes to a mended-leg-symbol) or "level-two" (aided by other player, fully fixed, able to run, "broken leg" completely removed). Epi-pens should have the adverse effect of a light shaking that does only go away after about 2min; and nothing can be done about this. Also, "shock" should have a consequence other than fainting at relog...

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DayZ Survivor score / Ranking system

The thing DayZ is missing is a Survivor score, I dont mean killscore or humanity.

A score that adds these three things together:

+ Humanity

+ Kill score

+ Days survived

= Dayz global score

This will make the game more interestsing for players to continue playing. So even

if u dont got any humanity and play like a bandit you could get a high score.

I have asked myself, why should I continue play when

there isn´t any system that keeps tracks on these things.

Lonewolf score ( working name only)

A score that gets higher the more days you haven´t been into a town.

Every big town like: Zelenogorsk, Stary Sobor, Chernogorsk, Elektro, Solnichniy, Berezino that you visit for more than 5 minutes will put your score with minus points, Perhaps every town with a name on it. ( I don´t know how to prevent people from changing server to reset time, In this case perhaps there will be - points ticking down directly when you enter a town)

So people would really try to stay out of town and live wildlife, lots of players are allready doing this, but it would be cool to see those hunters getting a score for it.

Survivor bonus:

Perhaps unique consumable items that you only get when you have survived per 10 days or something, or that you get 10% more blood after 10 days. stuff like that.

I also made a thread with this and a poll for it:


An idea that could be related to your idea, making a wanted system, in main cities (if the map is to be kept , or not) you could look up the most wanted bandits ;)

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I hope this gets heard, on the topic of underground construction I read in a few of the interviews that you were thinking of going underground by switching to that instance once you click on a manhole. I think this will miss a huge opportunity.

Imagine this, you find a manhole and slide off the cover knowing that this could be your new home BUT how can you know what is down in the darkness underground. Just to be safe you toss a flare down first and if no zombies start swarming it you are safe, if they do I would recommend dropping down a frag grenade before heading in. Once down you can start lighting up the area with chemlights before installing more permanent lanterns etc and getting started on your base. Thinking about lighting a fire? Where will the smoke go, maybe it will pour out the manhole giving away your location to other survivors. This could be a really cool aspect of the game but I think it needs to be smoothly integrated into the experience instead of becoming a location teleport.


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I have a Question to the Standalone version but also improvement Ideas

First to the Idea i don´t like the marker sytem on the in game map beacause when you have a map you don´t even need a GPS or a compass to get to your locations it´s too easy

and to my question what will happen to the arma 2 mod DayZ if the standalone is released will it be integrated to the standalone so i don´t have to buy the standalone too or will they be seperated?

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what will happen to the arma 2 mod DayZ if the standalone is released will it be integrated to the standalone so i don´t have to buy the standalone too or will they be seperated?

They will probably not continue with the mod when the standalone gets released, but the servers will still be up and running for those who wont buy the standalone. (As far as I know) Edited by Sm1L3y

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and to my question what will happen to the arma 2 mod DayZ if the standalone is released will it be integrated to the standalone so i don´t have to buy the standalone too or will they be seperated?

Standalone will be sold on its own,no discount for us.But the mod will still be developed seperate.

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sometimes people can survive from shots in the head, this could be added, but there would be scars, maybe like in gameplay itself.

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Couple suggestions, dunno if something like this has already come up but i suppose it must have by now...

About loot: i think it would be great that zombies actually have something on them, policemen could run to eat you still holding they're guns and soldiers could have weapons dangling on their backs, this could be a good reason to engage zombies apart from self defence.

Other things: there should be a way for your character to actually call for help and say all sorts of usefull things, right now the only way for hearing another player is if someone is shooting or if someone is really close and you hear footsteps, but people can actually talk. I know there is voice chat but I for instance i always play at night and i couln't shout for help without waking the whole building, also many people don't have mic or just don't wanna have to use it...but if there was a command to actually have your character scream for help or all sorts of things i think it would give a lot to immersion experience

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oh and what about infection?! i mean zombie infection not influenza, shouldn't you have a chance to become infected if you get bitten by a zed? what if you had a limited ammount of time before you left this world as a human and become a zed? you would desperatly try to find the cure (wich would be extremely difficult to get a hold of). This could create a whole new aspect to the game and gropups of good friens could be broken by the infected buddy. What if your best friend got bitten by a zombie in real life? what would you do? You don't know how long before he turns. Do you shoot him? would you try and help him and take the risk? I think it would be great!!!

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Bases should have a ripple effect on gameplay in general. For example by adding petrol generators, petrol would become a more valued commodity by the larger groups. Petrol stations would become contested zones between these large groups, providing a great objective for both sides to gain control over in a firefight. Alternatively small groups with no need for a generator could trade petrol with these larger groups for other gear.

It's unrealistic to have petrol generators appear, but an organized group could move one of the petrol tanks to the base. obviously this could only be done with a truck or helicopter.

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I believe what you we trully should sugest the devs to do is read max brooks "zombie survival guide" and " World War Z", and implement these things in there. The whole book. Maybe, but since this is an arcady game with easy to kill zombies we will not get anywhere, also the Solanum idea of killing with only a headshot, and making bonfires to eliminate the virus. Also maybe we could include the idea in "Night of the living dead" that zombies are scared by fire, and they can and will try to destroy any light source, even if by that they must die.

Also, why not let them use rocks or low grade melee, not violently, but a lot weaker than a human.

Ohh, one more idea, i suggest keeping the name infecteds, if a non dead player turns zombies, dead ones should, if we could bring the infected player back to the humans, or else just stop calling them infected, if the player is lost forever theres nothing human there, so no more "infected"

well, some ideas

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A few things that I was thinking about include the following:


  • Blood bags will heal 12,000 blood but not instantly. They can be self administered but they will only heal about 200 blood/sec. You don't have to use the entire blood per transfer and if you move, the blood increase stops.
  • Antibiotics should be more common as in as common as say painkillers but will have more use
  • You would have a body meter. Parts of your body (major parts such as arms, legs, torso, and head) could turn orange when infected. When orange, there are mild affects (orange left arm = slower ads, orange right arm = occasionally you will not hit the trigger, orange legs = slower movement, etc)
  • When a part of your body is red, the conditions get worse
  • When a part of the body is flashing the effects are at their worst (left arm = extremely slow ads, right arm = extremely unreliable trigger, legs = limping/broken, head = blurry vision/darker, etc)
  • After a while (a significant amount of time) of not treating with antibiotics, you could lose the limb. This would only occur after 10-20 minutes of a blinking limb
  • Antibiotics do not work instantly rather based on the severity of the infection will take longer (orange 3 seconds, red 1 minute, blinking 10 minutes) but will not get worse
  • Bandages do not stop all blood loss, only small cuts and larger injuries can use bandages temporarily but will need to be stitched (in the op i think)
  • Pain has different severities and the player will make noises and yell when in pain
  • Painkillers do not work instantly. Also based on severity.


  • Rarity should be increased of military guns. It's almost unrealistic that high powered military weapons are just available so easily.
  • Sniping should be much more difficult (more so than the op) including temperature and other things.
  • Automatic weapons should also be harder to find. It takes literally 10 minutes to have an akm or ak-74 and mow down people.


  • Zombies should also be attracted to smell. As a player runs longer, they will have a stronger smell and must find zombies to cover their scent. This can also effectively work as camouflage against players.
  • Zombies should also always be in cities and not when a player just happens to enter one.
  • Zombies should also be randomly in the woods and when shots are fired will venture towards to sound slowly until they see/hear/smell a player and then become aggro.
  • Zombies should also be more organized traveling in packs and groups forming huge herds in some parts of town and in others, they are almost non-existent. Of course some can be roaming around the city randomly just so that one cannot just walk around these groups unseen
  • Zombies should also attack animals and run after them if they are in sight. When attacking an animal or player they should divert their attention to that player.
  • When a zombies becomes aggro, other zombies can follow suit becoming aggressive to the sounds the first zombie makes. (this should also not spiral out of control either causing ever zombie to be attracted to one sound)
  • More variety is better. Lingor island does a great job in introducing different zombies. Zombies with broken limbs and torn off body parts should also be introduced.
  • Shouting can attract zombies. Useful if in a group and one person is being chased after.


  • More clothing including bandannas or shirts that a character can wear to show they are part of a group. (They have to be found)
  • When a player has an infection or needs blood you should be able to see it. A player with less blood should have pail skin and a player with an infected leg should have the pant torn
  • A player with one broken leg can limp/crouch using opposite hand
  • Melee combat such as holding another player down should also be implemented. You should be able to silently snap a players neck instead of having to shoot them. Hand to hand combat can hurt a player but would be inefficient in killing one.
  • Ability to tie a player down with rope.
  • If a player logs out, their body will be frozen for 10-30 seconds (whichever seems most fit) in that server once he leaves. The player can still be shot, killed, mauled, etc. for the remaining time until their body disappears. If a player is killed, they will respawn as if they died when they were able to prevent their death.
  • Players should not be forced to spawn at the beach. Some players should spawn in homes/hospitals and other locations without being told their position.


  • Maps should not be complete when found. Only parts of the map can be found unless someone have multiple parts.
  • Radios should allow you to communicate between other players with radios and should allow you to tune to frequencies of other players to sneak in on their discussions.
  • Flashlights should be usable with secondaries
  • If you have a gps you should be able to mark where you want to go and have a route guidance. (it should not be seen like markers. the distance should be on the gps)
  • Notepad and pens should allow you to place notes inside buildings (tape them on walls or put them on the floor).
  • Knife can be used to make a fire but you must find kindle and the process takes significantly longer.
  • Also a fire does not need any equipment at all but will take up-to 3 minutes or more to light.

Not leveling but more training

  • As a player does something repeatedly, they will become better at it.
  • If a player bandages themselves more, they will be able to bandage themselves faster and bandages will last longer to an extent, say 2x
  • if a player bandages other players, they will be able to bandage other players and themselves faster even, up-to 3x
  • A player will be able to light fires faster the more they light them
  • A player can shoot better the more they shoot.
  • A player can run longer the more they run and can rest more efficiently
  • This will have a hyperbolic curve and the more a player does something the better they get but with diminishing returns.
  • Helping other players with blood and bandages will ultimately help you do things faster


  • Should be removed
  • Players should not be able to tell if a player is naughty or nice based on their dayz skin
    • But a player should be able to drop his gun on the floor without another player being able to pick up to symbolize they are friendly instead of leaning (you can put your gun down and your hands up)

    [*]If a player sees another player shooting someone, their nameplate should symbolize that. A green plate should turn yellow to red but only if they see the act. This will go away over time.


  • All vehicles should be usable to some extent (siphon gas from cars, take tires, etc.) but will be more difficult to repair.
    • Different types of motors/tires and should also require oil changes
    • There should be civilian cars on highways with loot and some can be drive-able

    [*]Players should be able to push vehicles out of tight spots

    [*]Vehicles can be totaled

    [*]ATVs can be flipped over

    [*]Small planes with can fit up-to two people should be available

    [*]Jetskiis and more rivers should be available to make water travel viable

    [*]Cars can run without one or more wheels but will drive considerably slower and can permanently damage the rim.


  • Servers should be allowed to specify if a player was murdered or killed or committed suicide or none of the above.
  • Server admins (I am not one) should be allowed to have a sort of spectator mode and view what is going on to stop hackers/cheaters. (They can only do this if they are dead)
  • Server admins can be banned from their own servers if they ban people for cheating when they aren't. An admin can keep reserve spots for clan-mates (hot debate) but players can vote to kick admin if they are banning for no reason.
  • Players can grab scrap metal and use as a weapon. Actually most things should be usable as weapons (signs, chairs, etc.) with varying amounts of damage and durability
  • Natural disasters such as flooding or droughts where players will become thirsty faster should also be in-game
  • Players can acquire parachutes and can use them to jump off buildings.
  • Parachutes should not be automatically available in helis or planes
  • Jumping out of vehicles can occur and will hurt the player to an extent. (a person can jump out of a car at 30 miles/hour and only suffer bleeding and minor injuries).
  • Large cities should be more scattered and available. Spawning at Kamenka or "Three Valleys" should be enjoyable rather than annoying (just a personal opinion)

Other than that, the op really sums up everything else. If you read all of my post than hopefully you enjoyed it.

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