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Plea for allowing small private or lan servers...

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I don't see why other people would have a problem with it if the character and gear are bound to that one server.

As long as you can't gear up on private servers then take that shit for pub mayhem I think it would be fine.

Rocket keeps coming up with trivial reasons why he doesn't want people running that. One of the admins here even got as low as to accuse me (someone who runs one of the most popular HIVE networks) of stealing code to run my HIVE system. I didn't know you could steal shit from a mod, especially since you kinda give those files out to server hosts. All I did was change the IP from their HIVE system to mine. That isn't stealing. At all. Its called editing. The code isn't even protected so lol. Pretty funny to be accused of stealing too, because the devs here even stole images from companies that with one email could hose them hard. Has anyone sent an email to pepsi/heinz/coke with some of rockets posts? I'm sure they would love it. BI hired rocket and made money off this mod so in the court of law they would be entitled to some amount of compensation. Rocket, you there bro? US courts I'm pretty sure are good friends with you guys over in NZ/AU.

The moment I got accused of stealing was when I realized this game is doomed and it's ran by complete fucking morons. I run my own HIVE now and as I speak it has NO empty spots out of almost 100 slots. That is because no one wants to play on his shitty HIVE system with hackers. But hey, ride the game into the ground. I can't wait for one of the other games like War Z, whom actually develop games and not ideas.

Edited by rinaun
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Get good means... stealth, check the hills for snipers, be carefull, avoid windows, carry your our long range rifle, get a mate for overwatch, shoot for disables (ie, leg shots, or low caliber chest shots)...

ie. get good at game mechanics, this game involves dicks that shoot first and snipers, so learn to counter that

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Sorry for posting in an old topic.

Anyway, wouldn't it be easier to make the two difficulties (recruit and Regular) have the options to stop player's from shooting one another. In recruit player's are not able to shoot one another and in regular the option can be tuggled on or off when setting the options for his/her server. I would expext these to be very popular servers aswell because so many people play in private sessions where they don't need to worry about player killers aka player bandits, those who like the challenge of trying to avoid player's aswell as zombies could then choose a server with a higher difficulty setting (in which case the option to stop player's from killing one another can't be turned on).

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