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Would you have dc'ed

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My story before you all go crazy.

I was in cherno on a server and my friend left my side for a second, I started hearing shots and he told me there was a player at the store looting his body after he killed to other players. I ran over there and killed him he had a ghille suit and a coyote pack. My friend told me to just retrive his gun so I did. I started running down the field later being shot at and in the middle of being shot at I open my bag and droped my friends ak and the bag itself without clicking.

I was running in a pattern making it hard for me to be shot. I watched behind me as he teleported and I fell down without being shot and not losing blood to later be killed.

In my shoes would you have dc'ed he was exploiting the game I just decided not to do the same by dc'ing

Edited by beanymcbeany

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cheaters gonna cheat.

you gotta ask yourself what kind of player you want to be seen as.

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