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TKG-Leavaris Another "Incident" at UK34

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Other similar incidents - http://dayzmod.com/f...e__hl__leavaris


So me and my guys where playing at UK34 for quite some while, then one of us got shot, guarding a body, by one in the crew ([TKG]) and a few minutes later, we manage to pick this guy off, and we accidentally found the TKG camp, with vehicles and several tents that we went to loot, and as soon as we got in the vehicles, been driving for a few minutes, the server goes down.

we kept thinking it was a normal server restart, so we waited until we could reconnect, and as soon as we got in the lobby, we saw Leavaris again hopping in and out from the server, as soon as we were able to connect we started driving again, about a minute later, the server went down again, and hasnt been up for an hour or so.

I do not think this is yet ANOTHER coinsidence, since there has been several occasions and several accusations against this admin and the server.

We got proof and all these happenings recorded with fraps, I am currently converting and uploading, will post them as soon as they are ready.

Regards. Peew

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please do post them. i was on for less than an hour total today, as another clan came online and decimated our base, so what ever base you think you found, it wasnt ours as we have none at the moment, not to mention every tkg member slaughtered except 3 of us who wernt online when it happened.

Nor was i logged in as admin at all today.

furthermore im getting tired of being the target here just because some other dickhole in the past tried the same shit your trying to now. Ill be talking with the server owner (thats right its not even my server) and ill be removing my admin access through him, i just want to play the dam games and bullshit like this isnt worth it.

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You popped in and out from the lobby right after server restarted first time. You were in the game at the time, then the minute we got back in to use our vehicles, the server goes down again just before we could get away, and that "clan" that came online and fooked ur base, was us. then right after that server is messing with us.

Videos beeing uploaded as we speak.

Regards Peew

P.s - the unfriendly attitude is not appreciated, douche.

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have fun.

your pissed off a clan member was shot who had 28 murders.

and hows that view distance client hack working out for you that you not only admitted using but tried to befriend TKG members into using?

again point fingers ALL you want post all the evidence you want I had ZERO to do with any of todays bullshit, and refuse to be apart of it.

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Leavaris, I might have misstaken, but we got some videos showing you popping in and out during the 2x server restart within 5 minutes, just after we found a camp from which one of the TKG members came out from, I shot him fair and square at 400m, no hacks nowhere, and I dont recon me sayin Im a hacker?

It is not my intension to hang you out on this one, but one can be suspicious when we see other threads where there's been others seeing you at these occasions.

Anyway, Im sorry for the inconvenience but im just tryina play the game fair. I'll link the videos, but still, you dont have to be unfriendly.

Regards Peew

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fair enough. My apologies then.

by chance was it terraknight you shot? just before the server whent down (and i didnt say it didnt go down, I never stoped/restarted it, and assumed it crashed as it has been doing sever times a day for 3-4 days now) I sniped a player next to an east coast town(cant remember name) terra ran to loot the body and was shot, i stayed in the woods awaiting his shooter until i was DC, i loged back in and was DC 4-5 minutes later. terra was on TS with me and just called it a night, so i dont think he restarted.at that point i loged out as it was a pissy day for TKG today loosing everything :P and noone from tkg were left online and all loged for the night, (a few even raged and left clan removing their tags)

I guess my point is after everything that happened today (95% of which i wasnt on for) why would i break rules to save a base, and might i add one i didnt know of? expecially after loosing what.. a bus, ural, pedal bike, motor bike 2-3 ATVs, and i think there was a pickup? If I was like that i would of stoped the first base disaster lol

anyway, no hard feelings, i still look forward to seeing the fraps (i wanna know if it was u who i was stalking when terra was shot lol)

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Well. Till the upload is ready i would like to mention that all these things that pew mentions (including the firefight) started around 2:30am gmt+3 time(greece) . Pew sniped the TKG member that killed one of us and then we waited for another to show up because we thought he was in the woods. After 40-45 minutes of scouting the woods and waiting for our friend to come to us in safety, we moved to the camp. As we moved on with the vehicles the server restarts and all the above that pew mentions. Its not the first time that this happens because we raid some admins camp or killing the admin...

P.S: All these happened at the east side of the map as you mentioned earlier, above and below a village called "Olsha" .

P.S 2: I kinda talk it out with leavaris. They where there, but the camp was anothers guy that stole from them. The server restart and the crash was not leavaris fault but vilayer fault. Alot of servers kinda crashed yestarday hosted by vilayer. Just a fooking coinsidence i guess.


Edited by meik0

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Alright, as you said Leavaris, No hard feelings!

the footage is still beeing uploaded crazy fucking size of the fraps files....

Anyway I expect to see you in the UK34 again!

Sorry for the inconvenience....


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Now youtube gave me an error message,... I could upload them when I get home later tonight, or tomorrow ( Failed (upload aborted) )

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Oh, well our position was on the antenna hill :D the shooting is not on the video, it was about 10 minutes later as we got the vehicles that the server went down.


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Peew, you won't be able to upload a fraps file directly. A 3 minute video is 3GB, which is way above youtube's limit. You'll have to render it to a smaller file using AE or SV. :/

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I've done it before mate, but I'll convert it as I get home, reinstalled windows a few days ago, I've been at a friends house, so when I'll get home I'll reinstall Sony Vegas and convert it, probably tonight videos will be up.


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Just so you're aware, the same thing happened to me when we stole TKG's vehicles. As soon as a TKG member (it was Terraknight) saw me, the server went down for at least 4 - 5 hours. When I logged back in about an hour after the server came back up every car was moved, including the one I was driving. I can't prove any of this, but I won't play on UK34 anymore, that's for damn sure. Not sure if Leavaris is responsible, as I managed to kill him before all of this went down and nothing odd happened.

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Just so you're aware, the same thing happened to me when we stole TKG's vehicles. As soon as a TKG member (it was Terraknight) saw me, the server went down for at least 4 - 5 hours. When I logged back in about an hour after the server came back up every car was moved, including the one I was driving. I can't prove any of this, but I won't play on UK34 anymore, that's for damn sure. Not sure if Leavaris is responsible, as I managed to kill him before all of this went down and nothing odd happened.

just so you're aware, this issue is over/closed. it was been proven to them and infact they are now TKG members.

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