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Snort (DayZ)

[VIDEO] Kidnapping ends badly

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WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT, nice shooting there.. sick. nice

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WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT, nice shooting there.. sick. nice


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Brilliant vid, thumbs up.

Aww thats cute, he did his first post in my thread.

Welcome to the forums.

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Yeah, I know. I don't like people raging in videos either. I was just a bit crabby because I hadn't slept for 37 hours :P

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Man, nice dodgin friends bullet!

Lol, nah not nice dodgin. He's just a shit shot.

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Lol, nah not nice dodgin. He's just a shit shot.

Be thankful I am

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So relatable. Shit hits then fan and everyone just ends up yelling at each other haha.

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Good shooting, and damn that FN FAL is such an awsome beast, but it's hell load, I am amazed that you did not attract more zombies with that many shots.

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Good shooting, and damn that FN FAL is such an awsome beast, but it's hell load, I am amazed that you did not attract more zombies with that many shots.

I love my FN FAL. One hits mother fuckers.

The zombies didn't get attracted because all of them were frozen at the time. Not sure why.

Bwahahaha, nice mates you got just standing about making you sort everything out. Loved the X-files ending!! :D

I agree, my friend is useless.

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It seems to be a bug with the zombies. If a guy spawns zombies while in the area and then dies the zombies do not shift over to your presence, because you are near aswell; they just freeze, because the dead guy is supposedly still there.

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I agree, my friend is useless.

One of us has to be reasonable and not rush around corners getting shot

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You know for a fact I'm reasonable, probably more so than you. But frankly I didn't see a threat at the time because I wasn't expecting about 50 fucking people to be in the firestation.

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Im glad too see that its not only me and my friends that have comunication problems in this game :)

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