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Camp help!?

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I've been playing DayZ for a little while now, but I'm nowhere near completely understanding the game. I'm having some issues setting up a 'camp' so I'm asking for some insight.

I've no idea where to start... I'd imagine a need a tent, but what else? Can I secure my camp? Can I build something to store items permanently? Where should I try to set up a camp so it's secure and I don't have to worry too bad about my items being lost?

It's a lot to ask, so any suggestions would be very helpful.

Thanks :D

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to set up a camp you need a tent ... thats it

the tent lets you store gear permanently (unless the tent eats it or it gets stolen)

you can surround it with tanktrap/ barbwire and beartraps if you can find them but they are pretty easy to get around so your stuff will be stolen if its found

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Go to cities and loot for loot. tents are extremely rare. You'll need supplies(first aid, food, water, etc.). You can't build items as far as I know but you can store them in a tent. Set up camp where it's far from a city preferably in the woods or just some place you think no one would look.

tip: you shouldn't get attached to your gear.

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A tent is the basics for a camp.

You can store lots of items in it, and after you make changes to it (to something out or in) you save it via scrolling over it.

There is no way to fully protect your tent, but just place it somewhere that will not get a lot of traffic from players. Usually in a forest with lots of bushing or trees surrounding it helps.

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Remember, when you set your tent up, that tent you have to SAVE after you put stuff in it. The tent then exists only on that server, so remember the server you are on.

People can come by and steal stuff from it or the tents themselves so make sure you find an out of the way hiding place, and remember where it is and how to get back there.

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