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[CoastGuards] Recruiting

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-Hello fellow Bandits/Survivors!! - CoastGuards are now recruiting new people!

Who are we:

we're currently a group off 4-5 people playing together

it started out with me and mishal finding a bunch of english lads to play with

we started to setup camps and such, and now that we have our own Server + TS

we're just looking to expand so we can have more fun with more people!

the people involved are:

[cG]Dequek (Admin) [Danish]

[cG]Mishal (Admin) [Danish]

Carbon [british]

Overunity [british]

Shawn [british]

What we expect:

We expect you to speak proper english, we also expect you to have a working mic

and also TS3 + Skype installed, we expect all members of cG to behave and to never

abuse or harras other players or the game

Server info:

Name: Dk5






So if you think you got what it takes! - Either PM me or post here

We will evaluate every apply, and get back to you wit an answer ASAP

Edited by Dequek
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alrite there, ive been looking for a group to join for awhile now getting bored off running around by myself, so yeah will you have me? im a uk player, my timings for dayz will depend on alsorts but should be able to play on and off in the day. ive got a mic, got teamspeak, just need to download skype. Ive got a few questions for u,like how old are u lads and are you proper strict as in proper milsim with ranks and shit or easy going. cheers.

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Correct me if i'm wrong:

Harassing other players means no killing fellow members or friendlies?

Harassing server? Like blocking some building with fences?

The first one i'm ok with but the last one, as much as it annoys me, is part of this game.

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Hey I'd like to join this group even though I am somewhat new to Dayz/Arma 2. Let me know if you would like me to join in.

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Hi I would like to join your group but I just got the game yesterday so I may not have much experience. I am willing to learn from you guys though and ultimately benefit the group =)

Just want to have fun as a group! Please let me know if I can join you guys!

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I just bought Arma II Yesterday and im looking for a group to hang out with. Unfortunantly i live in the states so our times would be much different. Still, im on a lot though. I know the basics. I also have a Mic and TS/Vent.

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Hey, Im from Denmark and i recently got Dayz. Im looking for a group of people to hang out with ingame, so it doesn't get boring. I have mic and both skype and TS3.

I look forward to hear from you guys! :)

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Hello my name is Pheonix, I am from England and I have been playing DayZ for around 4 weeks now, been looking for a group for a while now but not found one worth staying in, I am looking to join this one and hope you get back to me very soon, I have a working mic, TS3 and skype too, I look forward to playing DayZ with the group.

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Hey guys! - It's nice to hear from you all :)

- Harrasing people is more like racism or anything like that, either on the forum or ingame :)

- We'll be taking a look at all the guys wanting in :) - You should start playing on our server DK5 - if you wanna get abit familiar with how and where we play :)

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Im in! Meet all the requirements. Having a DMR and M4A3 CCO. Fit for fight!

Add me on skype : Nielskjaer8370 or PM me here.

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