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CA11 Hacker able to move players into debug forest.

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There is a admin or a hacker on CA11 that has moved people around on the server and can instantly kill players getting to close. (He's on the large Cherno tanks in the factory area)

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A hacker in CA 11 just teleported next to me and my bud, hatchet'ed both of us to death, we were highly armed and i bursted 3-5 shots of M4A1 ammo in him, didn't even effect him. Also the server keeps restarting every 20-30 mins o.O


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Happend to me and my friend too at the North west airfield

i want my UAZ back, i want my m16 back, i want ym alice pack back, i want ym guli suit back, i want all my tools back, i want my pdw back :(

And all the Server restarts, Seriosly i think it mgiht be the Admin Hacking

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