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Puppy (DayZ)

Rocket/missle attack in cherno?

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Hey all,

Was just playing right now and was looting/sniping in cherno. Then all of a sudden 3 barrages of rockets come striking down across the town in different locations? has anyone seen this before or know why it happened?

only managed to get 1 screenshot through steam of the smoke from the last barrage


as you can see from the smoke the explosions were pretty large and ofcourse my reaction to them is in the image as well :P

but yes any shed of light on what the hell this is and if i can expect to be randomly blown up any time soon would be nice.

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Does it have anything to do with the rocket launcher in your hand?

First Forum post, character looks pretty young at -3200 Humanity, somehow has rocket launcher and a few rockets. Suspicious.

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Your camera angle is aligned to two chimneys, that makes it looks like you have a leaf sight, well played.

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does this explain the leaf sight ?


and my sniper rifle like i said



now can we get back to the fact there was a rocket barrage? (and i mean 3 sets of 4-5 rockets in different areas of the town in the space of ~1min)

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now can we get back to the fact there was a rocket barrage? (and i mean 3 sets of 4-5 rockets in different areas of the town in the space of ~1min)

This wanst clear enough... maybe some guys found a few of these


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lol if only, that could clear out the zombies pretty quick :) although knowing me i'd probably end up shooting a missle into the back of the drivers cab ;)

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Does it have anything to do with the rocket launcher in your hand?

First Forum post' date=' character looks pretty young at -3200 Humanity, somehow has rocket launcher and a few rockets. Suspicious.


How long have you been playing ArmA? The rocket launchers have an X for a cross hair, looks like this.


Attention to detail helps some times.

Dirty gamma abusing camping bandit. Stop camping coastal cities and actually play the game.

He IS playing the game. Just because you disagree with his play style does not make it wrong. There are no "rules" of Day Z.

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Are you sure they weren't satchels..?

Would be surprised if BM21s or other rocket arty could spawn.

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Does it have anything to do with the rocket launcher in your hand?

First Forum post' date=' character looks pretty young at -3200 Humanity, somehow has rocket launcher and a few rockets. Suspicious.


stupidest comment ever,i actually have over 3.8K humanity and have come across a rocket launcher, satchel charge, m4 SD, m9SD, coyote backpack, MK48 MOD 0 and all survival gear except for nvg and range finder

if YOU cant find any of those or think you can only do so by being trololo super bandit then your just a noob

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shenaniganery. the only answer.

hmmm potentially, if thats the case then :( however it does mean i dont have to now watch the skies as well as ground, although I probably will for the next few days!

makes sense too as i dont see how something like that could fit in the mod other than to occasionally scare the hell out of people

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Most likely a hacker spawned a katyusha(rocket arty) and is randomly shooting at cherno.

The chances somone has enough legit satchels/rpgs to create this without hacking is extremely extremely extremely low. Even a 15 man group searching all military spawns for 10 hours proboly wouldn't find this much stuff.

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sounds like a possible hacker unfortunatly, ive seen people spawning artilary strikes and what not, its best to report this to the server admin and they can go through the log to see whats happening

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Maybe someone swam out to the sea, found a hidden battleship and blasted away at town :O

I don't know and I'm just posting cause I'm curious :D

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I can confirm the rockets. Of course I forgot which server. A friend and I were sneaking into town. Then a few big explosions in front of us, they seemed much larger than HE frags.

Then my friend got hit and lay there unconscious. I couldn't see anything as I had been relying on my friend for sight.

The explosions stopped when my friend went down only to resume when he gained conciousness again and tried to move. All in all there were about 10 explosions.

The whole thing seemed pretty fishy, but I wouldn't have mentioned anything hadn't I seen this thread, seeing how I have no evidence.

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