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Trading DMR Sniper for a M4A1 CCO or M4A1 Camo SD

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I have started this thread already in the new player discussion section but now i think its not the best place for it.

If u want to trade it Pm.

Greetings from TheZombieHater.

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Just so you know, depending on how you are going to use the gun the M4A1 CCO SD might be a stupid way to go.

Sure its quiet and the Aimpoint is nice, but

1) Magazines are quite rare and even in military loot locations they don't spawn alot.

2) It says that the gun is zeroed at 200m, but after using it for like 1 entire week I can tell you if your target is beyond 160m you gonna have to aim up, and if the target is away 250m+, then you gonna have a bad time using this gun as the bullet drop is out of this world.

So if you gonna use it as CQB weapon aside a scope or something good for range its okay, but as primary its bullshit if you are not planning to stick in elektro or cherno or some shizzle.

Edited by StanYz

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Me too. I want the DMR. Could give you an As50 or M107 and an M4SD or M4CCO. Message me if you are interested.

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